How is this consultation with the Aboriginal Community undertaken?

    • Council must undertake this consultation before it exhibits a draft Plan of Management for the land.  
    • Aboriginal people traditionally associated with the area will have at least 28 days to tell Council if they would support the idea that the land is categorised as an area of Aboriginal Cultural Significance under a future draft plan of management.  
    • Council must place a notice of the consideration on its website and on the new community land near the Sandon Point Aboriginal Place 

    Who has Council sent written notice of the consideration to already?

    • The Local Aboriginal Land Council 
    • New South Wales Native Title Services Limited
    • The Registrar Appointed under the Aboriginal Lands Right Act 1983
    • Director-General of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs
    • the Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation
    • Council's Aboriginal Reference Group
    • Sandon Point Aboriginal Place Joint Management Agreement Partners 

    How will Council use any information received from the Aboriginal Community?

    Council will consider the information received from the Aboriginal Community before it categorises the new land near Sandon Point Aboriginal Place by the making of a draft Plan of Management over the land.  Any Aboriginal person who provides information regarding the consideration will be notified when a draft Plan of Management that applies to the land is exhibited

    What makes land significant to Aboriginal people?

     The Local Government regulation(External link) provides guidance to Councils when it comes to categorising Community Land. The regulation states an area of Aboriginal significance could be land that fits any of the following criteria:

    • The land is declared an Aboriginal place under section 84 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
    • The land (whether or not in an undisturbed state) is significant to Aboriginal people in terms of their traditional or contemporary cultures 
    • The land is of significance or interest because of Aboriginal Associations 
    • The land displays physical evidence of Aboriginal occupation (for example, items or artifacts such as stone tools, weapons, engraving sites, scared trees, sharpening grooves or other deposits, and objects or materials that relate to the settlement of the land or place
    • The land is associated with Aboriginal stories
    • The land contains heritage items dating after European settlement that help to explain te relationship between Aboriginal people and later settlers