Bellambi Lagoon (180029)

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Consultation has concluded

Bellambi Lagoon is located slightly east of Birch Crescent Bellambi NSW 2518

Proposed Community Land Category Mix
Area of Cultural Significance

Crown Reserve Purpose
Public Recreation

Initial Category under the CLM Act

Key Considerations for the Reserve
This reserve is part of a heritage listed item under the Wollongong 2009 LEP (Local (Landscape) Item 6204 – Bellambi Lake and Sandpit Point). Bellambi Lake and Sandpit Point are of significance for the Wollongong area for their importance in the natural history of the local area, for their importance to the Aboriginal community and for their rare and representative specimens of endangered ecological communities. Bellambi Lake Reserve at Sandpit Point is a protected area comprising a lagoon and small islands, mostly forested in swamp oaks (Casuarina), coastal Sclerophyll and saltmarsh. The site contains ecological communities, a number of rare plant species and is said to be an important habitat with more than 50 bird species including a pair of White Breasted Sea Eagles (Bellambi, New South Wales, Wikipedia(External link)). The reserve is not declared to be ‘Critical Habitat’ or land directly affected by a Recovery Plan. However, the following may be present as noted below. MU36 – EEC Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, MU53 – Sydney Freshwater Wetland, Threatened Fauna: Green and golden bell frog. Included in the Coastal Management SEPP. Included in the Coastal Wetlands SEPP. At its meeting of 22 May 2019 Council’s Aboriginal Reference Group identified this reserve as important and for Council to continue to talk with the Aboriginal community about this land.

Bellambi Lagoon is located slightly east of Birch Crescent Bellambi NSW 2518

Proposed Community Land Category Mix
Area of Cultural Significance

Crown Reserve Purpose
Public Recreation

Initial Category under the CLM Act

Key Considerations for the Reserve
This reserve is part of a heritage listed item under the Wollongong 2009 LEP (Local (Landscape) Item 6204 – Bellambi Lake and Sandpit Point). Bellambi Lake and Sandpit Point are of significance for the Wollongong area for their importance in the natural history of the local area, for their importance to the Aboriginal community and for their rare and representative specimens of endangered ecological communities. Bellambi Lake Reserve at Sandpit Point is a protected area comprising a lagoon and small islands, mostly forested in swamp oaks (Casuarina), coastal Sclerophyll and saltmarsh. The site contains ecological communities, a number of rare plant species and is said to be an important habitat with more than 50 bird species including a pair of White Breasted Sea Eagles (Bellambi, New South Wales, Wikipedia(External link)). The reserve is not declared to be ‘Critical Habitat’ or land directly affected by a Recovery Plan. However, the following may be present as noted below. MU36 – EEC Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, MU53 – Sydney Freshwater Wetland, Threatened Fauna: Green and golden bell frog. Included in the Coastal Management SEPP. Included in the Coastal Wetlands SEPP. At its meeting of 22 May 2019 Council’s Aboriginal Reference Group identified this reserve as important and for Council to continue to talk with the Aboriginal community about this land.

Feedback on Bellambi Lagoon

Consultation has concluded