Where and why is the upgrade being completed?
This is a very popular well used recreation area. The shaded area of Brighton Lawn sees a lot of pedestrian and recreational usage. The surfaces are eroding and in need of an upgrade. See attached a plan which outlines the area of work.
What is the scope of the work?
It is proposed to replace someof the existing surfaces around the base of established trees plus the eroded grassed areas identified in the attached map, with a combination of woodchip/bark mulch, garden beds, concrete and synthetic soft-fall material.
There will be seven new concrete benches for seating installed as part of this project. The garden bed edging near one of the lawns will be replaced, and the area adjacent to the work, will be enhanced by planting and landscaping. One very young tree will be removed because it has failed to thrive. There will be no other trees removed or impacted by the works.
What will the soft-fall surface look like?
The soft-fall material is a synthetic, low maintenance, surface material. This surface is designed
especially for children’s play areas and is a safer and more durable surface, for areas with heavy pedestrian traffic. The colour of the soft-fall will blend in with the existing soft-fall in the playground area.
Will the children's playground still be available?
Yes, most of the playground will remain open and accessible throughout the work. This project is focussed on minor landscaping in the shaded areas of Brighton Lawn only and will not involve any work on the playground equipment.
How will the work affect residents and those that regularly use this area?
The project will be of short duration and is not expected to be disruptive to recreational users or businesses in the area. The work has been scheduled to ensure completion prior to the start of the school holidays.
The work will not affect the roadway or traffic movement in the area. Two parking spaces near the playground will be restricted as they will be used for storage of equipment during week days only.
Hours of construction will be 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and there will be no weekend construction.
Will any parts of the grassed area be closed to public access during the work?
The shaded areas shown on the plan will be isolated while the work is being completed but pathways and other lawn areas will still be available for usage. The walkway along the foreshore will remain open and accessible to the public.
How will the construction area be managed?
The work area will be surrounded by a temporary safety fence. Signage will be displayed
nearby advising the public that the grassed area is temporarily closed.
There will be no significant increase in heavy vehicle movements to or from the work site.
Have heritage and environmental issues been considered?
Yes, environmental issues have been considered. The soft-fall is porous and can withstand all weather conditions. The new surface will not adversely affect any established trees or plants in the area. Any additional planting, will be designed to blend in with the surrounding vegetation.
How long will the work take and when will it start?
The work is expected to commence in November/December 2015 and will require approximately four weeks to complete, subject to weather conditions and the lead time required for
the supply of the new park furniture.
How can I Have my Say?
Council will be consulting the community about the proposed works prior to implementation. You can provide input at the scheduled community engagement kiosk or here online.