Why are these chapters being updated and what’s being changed?

    The Wollongong Development Control Plan (DCP) 2009(External link) guides the way planning and design should happen for new developments in our area, so that it contributes in a positive way. It’s mainly used by people such as engineers, architects and developers. It’s been 10 years since the floodplain and stormwater management chapters in the DCP were last reviewed, and there’s been new policies, studies and guidance on managing flood risk released in that time. We’re not planning huge changes in our review, we just want to make it easier for people to understand and use the DCP.

    How is the review being done?

    The review is happening over two stages, with these updates being Stage 1:
    • Make some of the guidelines and definitions clearer 
    • Make sure new stormwater structures are safe for the community

      Example of a type of stormwater structure called a culvert:

    • Make sure the chapters are in line with the Wollongong Local Environment Plan (2009), which describes the different land zones in an area (such as residential, commercial or industrial land) and explains what type of development is allowed on each

    • Include changes that were recommended in Council studies and plans, such as our Floodplain Risk Management Studies and the Coastal Zone Management Plan (2017) 
    The change log documents show which sections we want to update and detail how they would be changed. You can view the draft chapters and change logs on this website(External link) or at Wollongong Library.

    Draft chapters and change logs:

    What does this review mean for me?

    Chapter E13: Floodplain Management guides building on flood-prone land and Chapter E14: Stormwater Management outlines the rules for designing ways to safely manage stormwater, e.g. drains or storage tanks. We’re reviewing the technical details in these rules, which won’t affect most people in the community. The proposed changes will mainly be of interest to people planning to design or build something new. We’re letting you know what we’d like to change so that you have the opportunity to tell us whether you support it.

    Why are you only reviewing 2 chapters in the DCP? Shouldn’t you be reviewing the whole Plan?

    There’s lots of chapters in the DCP – 23 altogether – so we don’t update them all at once. Chapters are reviewed and updated at different times as needed.

    What happens next?

    Stage 2 of the review will occur as Floodplain Risk Management Studies are completed over the next 5 years. In Stage 2, we’ll review the Flood Risk Precincts (areas with different levels of flood risk) and include the latest flood estimation techniques from Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019).

    How will my feedback be used?

    At the end of the engagement period, all feedback is read and considered. A report will be produced and provided to Councillors, and they will consider whether to adopt the draft chapters.

    How can I join the conversation?