Where are we up to with the planning?

    The following outlines the planning process for this proposal:
    1. Draft Concept Plan – exhibited in 2014 
    2. Current Concept Plan – as attached 
    3. Detailed Design – pending
    Once detailed design is completed and funding is secured construction will be scheduled.

    What works are proposed?

    Overall, the plan aims to increase safety, improve amenity and provide better access for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. The proposed upgrades are located on Wongawilli Road from Wongawilli Community Hall to Shone Avenue, and along West Dapto Road to the high-voltage overhead powerline corridor.  

    The upgrade involves widening Wongawilli Road to four lanes.  Initially, only two of the four lanes will be used by traffic, with the outside lanes allocated to parking. When future traffic volumes require it, the outside lanes will be opened to traffic. This is estimated to be 10 to 15 years after the proposed upgrade is completed. 

    The upgrade also includes the construction of two bridges. Both bridges will be built with four traffic lanes and will provide for shared pathways. This will accommodate future expansion of the road.
    Upgrades are planned for the rail crossing on Shone Avenue including, preparation for the installation of traffic lights, boom gates and flashing lights. 

    Works will include safety barriers, signage, line marking and landscaping. The upgraded roads will provide significantly better access during periods of heavy rain and flooding. These roads are being designed to remain accessible in a 1 in 100 year flood event.

    What else has been incorporated into the current concept plan?

    In the draft concept plan, a shared path was proposed for both sides of the road. As a result of community feedback, construction of a shared path is planned for northern side of Wongawilli Road only. 

    Following community feedback on the draft concept plan, a narrower flood mitigation channel is to be constructed between the existing rail corridor and the southern boundary of the residential properties on Wongawilli Road. 

    The flood mitigation channel will redirect the natural water flow into a nearby creek. The proposed channel will be shallow, grass lined and unobtrusive with a small, low-flow channel to one side. 
    In the current concept plan, the road width has been expanded from 12.4 metres to 12.8 metres to cater for buses using the lanes now and in the future. 

    The draft concept plan had proposed to relocate the power poles but they will now remain in place until such time as the four lanes are required for traffic. At this time, some of the power poles will need to be relocated. 

    Kerb blisters will be built as safety barriers to accommodate the existing power poles on the Northern side of the road. Some power poles will sit within the kerb blisters and others will sit behind the blister. 

    How will the proposed work impact the area?

    The proposed work will utilise part of the Council nature strip that adjoins the properties on the southern side of Wongawilli Road to form part of the new road corridor.
    There will be no impact on the boundary of properties on the southern side of Wongawilli Road. However, the purchase of some land may be necessary from properties on the northern side of Wongawilli Road and West Dapto Road. Council will continue to liaise with these property owners.
    There are several trees that are sitting within or very close to the proposed new road corridor that will need to be removed. Once construction is completed a tree replanting program will be carried out along the Council nature strip. 

    Kerb blisters have been located along both sides of the road to act as a safety barrier for power poles and to provide structured parking. The kerb blisters also calm traffic and prevent traffic using the outside lanes.  The location of the kerb blisters has been carefully considered to ensure driveways are not impeded. 

    Once construction commences a traffic management plan will ensure safe access for all vehicles using the road. Residential driveways will remain accessible throughout construction. 

    Will the Rural Fire Service be impacted?

    A kerb blister will be placed around the power pole that sits between the entrance to the Rural Fire Service and the Community Hall. The blister will align with the edge of the current Rural Fire Service driveway and will not impede access to this driveway. 

    The necessity for Rural Fire Service vehicles to access and use the road during emergencies will be incorporated into the plan. 

    How will the proposed work impact the Community Hall?

    The Community Hall entrance will be impacted by the kerb blister which will extend into the current driveway. Council proposes to reconstruct the Community Hall driveway to safely align with the kerb blister. 

    The planned upgrade also includes resurfacing the Community Hall carpark. Access to the Community Hall driveway and carpark will be temporarily restricted while the driveway re-alignment and the resurfacing of the carpark are completed. Access will be restored as soon as this aspect of the work is completed.

    How is the project being funded?

    Funding for these works is primarily from developer contributions under the West Dapto (Section 94) Development Contributions Plan, and a Federal Government Grant, through the Building Better Regional Cities program.  

    Some funding will also come from Council’s capital revenue. In addition, Council has an application for further funding lodged for consideration with the NSW State Government, under the Resources for Regions Program.

    When will the project start and how long will it take?

    Construction will commence once detailed design is complete and funding is secured. It is estimated that the proposed work will take approximately 18 months to complete. At this stage, a commencement date has not been scheduled. However, we will continue to keep the community updated. 

    How can I have a say about the proposed works?

    Council is consulting the local community about the current concept design. You can provide input at the scheduled community information session or via the online feedback form(External link).
    Postal submissions can be sent to:
    The General Manager
    Wollongong City Council
    Locked Bag 8821 

    A community information session will be held at: 
    Wongawilli Community Hall
    Thursday 18 August 6.00-7.30pm

    For more information on the West Dapto Access Strategy, visit www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/westdaptoaccess(External link)