Draft Annual Plan Exhibition 2014-15

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Consultation has concluded

Council invites you to review and provide feedback on our Management Plans for 2014-15.

The exhibition runs from 30 April until 28 May 2014.

The exhibition includes the draft service plan, operational budget, capital budget, fees and charges revenue policy and waste fee and charges exemption policy.

Since August 2013 when we launched Securing Our Future(External link) we have undertaken extensive engagement in order to address our asset renewal funding gap. More than 5300 respondents have been involved in this review. You contributed to an update to our five year plan, now we are asking for your input into our annual plan to set priorities for the financial year July 2014 to June 2015.

Council is committed to reducing costs, increasing efficiency, exploring alternate sources of revenue and renewing our infrastructure assets.

Council invites you to review and provide feedback on our Management Plans for 2014-15.

The exhibition runs from 30 April until 28 May 2014.

The exhibition includes the draft service plan, operational budget, capital budget, fees and charges revenue policy and waste fee and charges exemption policy.

Since August 2013 when we launched Securing Our Future(External link) we have undertaken extensive engagement in order to address our asset renewal funding gap. More than 5300 respondents have been involved in this review. You contributed to an update to our five year plan, now we are asking for your input into our annual plan to set priorities for the financial year July 2014 to June 2015.

Council is committed to reducing costs, increasing efficiency, exploring alternate sources of revenue and renewing our infrastructure assets.

Consultation has concluded
  • Special rate variation application

    Share Special rate variation application on Facebook Share Special rate variation application on Twitter Share Special rate variation application on Linkedin Email Special rate variation application link
    28 May 2014

    At its meeting of 17 February 2014, Council voted to apply to IPART: Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal for a Special Rate Variation. We expect to hear whether this application has been successful or not during June 2014.

    If the application is not successful or we gain a percentage of the amount we applied for, Council's capital program will be scaled back but we will continue our commitment to reducing costs, increasing efficiency, reviewing services and sources of revenue. 

  • Major projects 2014-15

    Share Major projects 2014-15 on Facebook Share Major projects 2014-15 on Twitter Share Major projects 2014-15 on Linkedin Email Major projects 2014-15 link
    28 Apr 2014

    The proposed capital expenditure for 2014/15 is $80 million.

    Priority projects include:

    • West Dapto Access Strategy
    • Waste management
    • Revitalisation of the City Centre and completion of Crown Street Mall
    • Cordeaux Road improvements and shared pathway
    • Grand Pacific Walk
    • Mt Keira Road stabilisation
    • Keira Street streetscape upgrade
    • Thirroul Beach kisoks and pavilion refurbishment
    • Stanwell park Beach kiosk refurbishment
    • Planning for a new Warrawong Community centre
    • Berkeley and Corrimal Community centre upgardes
    • Bald Hill reserve upgrade
    • Berkeley skate plaza construction