When will we refurbish the Pavilion?
Construction is scheduled to commence in mid 2020.
This depends on a successful tendering process being undertaken and negotiating a commencement date with the contractor.
What improvements are proposed?
· An accessible amenity, with toilet, shower and an adult change table will be provided
· Concrete repairs to the external and internal walls and floor will be undertaken and durability provided using an alternate cathodic protection system
· The existing roof slab and balustrade will be retained with concrete patch repair undertaken.
· We will replace the existing lightweight roofs at the north and south ends of the building with new roof sheeting
· The building will be repainted inside and outside, and an epoxy floor coating installed inside.
· New toilets, showers (without doors) and all fittings including benches and hooks will be installed
· There will be no changes to the internal layout of the building other than the insertion of the accessible amenity (with access through the front wall) and the relocation of some showers
· A new concrete topping will be added to address the water ponding issue along the eastern side of the building
· Limited amount of new service reticulation and drainage required
· The existing Swim Club noticeboard will be removed during refurbishment and reinstalled on the eastern wall.
How are we improving access to buildings and other public spaces across Wollongong?
Council has been working for many years to improve access to our buildings. We install amenities in all new buildings to meet access standards and are upgrading existing buildings to make access easier. We installed our first adult change table at Stuart Park and then at Western Suburbs Pool Unanderra.
Installing an amenity at Austinmer Beach to meets access standards will ensure people with disability can enjoy the many recreational opportunities the pools, beach and broader precinct provides. The Beach Access and Foreshore Strategy also nominates Austinmer as a priority area for the installation of beach matting that will assist people get down onto the beach using a beach wheel chair.
What will be the lifespan of the Pavilion?
The building will have a 10-year life (possibly 20) with annual inspections scheduled to look at structural integrity.
We will repair any spalls or new damage every 5 years, with concrete patching and repairs to the balustrade
The safe load capacity of the roof will be assessed during construction once the reinforcement is exposed. If the roof load capacity does not meet current standards access to the roof may need to be prevented.
What are the heritage implications of the revised design?
The placement of the accessible toilet and change facilities was considered in terms of any heritage impacts to the façade of the building and meeting standards for access. Council proposes that the best location is in the centre of the building to allow equal access. This will require the removal of a section of existing seating.
Paint colours are the same as those displayed to the community in our initial consultation and are sympathetic to the Surf Club building and Boat Shed.
Local heritage listing of the building is still being considered and will be part of the city-wide review of the heritage schedule in the Local Environmental Plan to be commenced next year.
What temporary amenities will we provide during construction?
Women’s and men’s amenities including toilets and cold water only showers will be provided for the duration of the project. These will be located on the grassed area in front of the Surf Club.
What access will be available during construction?
Site fencing will be erected around the building during construction to prevent public access.
Access to the beach, pools and Surf Club building will be maintained with traffic control and signage in place to direct pedestrians and vehicles.