- Emergency response plans based on detailed understanding of flood behaviour
- Building new structures that collect and carry stormwater into drains or creeks, such as detention basins and swales, or improving existing ones to better manage stormwater and floods
- Land zoning that says what can and can’t be built on flood-prone land
- Voluntary purchase of houses built in high flood risk areas
What upgrade works are proposed for Bellambi Gully?
Using the latest computer flood modelling and a detailed site survey, Council’s flood engineering consultant determined that channel and culvert upgradeswould help to reduce flood impacts to several properties in the Bellambi Gully catchment. This includes upgrades to the channel between Pioneer Road and Gladstone Street, culvert on Gladstone Street and improved drainage within Holy Spirit College. Council has also proposed a potential pipe alignment through Holy Spirit’s sportsfields.
What is a culvert?
A tunnel or drain structure that is built under a road or railway to allow water to flow underneath.
Why does Council want to do these works?
When will the works start?
A concept design is an early part of the design process where we plan how the proposed option might work and what it might look like. We get community input on the plans before we move on to making a more detailed design. Once we have the detailed design for the proposed culvert and channel works, we’ll again ask the community to have a look and let us know what they think. We would only be able to progress with the works with the support of Holy Spirit College. The works have been budgeted for in Council’s capital works program for the 2021/22 financial year. We’ll contact affected residents about works starting once we have the final design and works schedule.
What other work has Council done to reduce the risk from flooding in this area?
Channel cleaning upstream and downstream of the Gladstone Street Culvert and Entrance Management where Bellambi Lagoon enters the ocean.
Where can I get information about flood levels on my property?
Council has historical
flood level records and/or our completed flood
studies for some properties, but not all. Please contact our Customer Service
team on (02) 4227 7111 to find out what’s available for your property.
How does Council manage flood risk?
Each year, Council spends millions of dollars on stormwater and floodplain management. Our team of flood experts prepare flood studies and floodplain risk management studies that help us understand the flood behaviour for a particular catchment and see if there are any ways of reducing flooding risk in an area. Floodplain risk management studies include a plan of potential solutions aimed at reducing the existing and future flood risk. Examples of these solutions include:
Why doesn’t Council clear out creeks?
Council is responsible for maintaining watercourses (e.g. creeks, overflow paths or drainpipes) on Council-owned land and has a maintenance program for this. Most watercourses in our city are on private property and their maintenance is the responsibility of the land owner. In these cases, Council is unable to perform any work on the watercourse. If you need advice on maintaining watercourses, please contact our Customer Service team.
How will my feedback be used?
At the conclusion of the engagement period all feedback is read and considered, a report is produced and provided to the Project Team for consideration in making a decision on the detailed design for the proposed works.
How can I join the conversation?
Write: Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC 2500
Email: engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
Phone: (02) 4227 7111
Drop-in Information Session:
Where: Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre
49A Cawley St, Bellambi
When: Wednesday 21 August
4pm – 5:30pm
You can also submit feedback online