Proposal to Establish a Biobank Site at Puckeys Estate
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Consultation has concluded
Wollongong City Council has been successful with an application to establish a biobank site at Puckeys Estate under the Office of Environment and Heritage’s (OEH) ‘Linking Landscapes Grant Program’.
The OEH ‘Linking Landscapes through Local Action’ project is part of the Green Corridors Program which is a priority action in the NSW Government’s NSW 2021 Plan to protect and conserve land, biodiversity and native vegetation in NSW. The program is funded through the NSW Environmental Trust.
The grant funding will be used to prepare and establish permanent conservation covenants under the BioBanking Scheme (biobanking agreements) through which the landowner is paid to protect and manage bushland on land owned by the recipients.
Council has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OEH for the creation of a biobanking agreement under the BioBanking Scheme and progress securing the grant funding for protection and enhance the natural environment of the Estate. Important aspects of the MOU are outlined in the Proposal document on the right of this page.
You can make a submission regarding this proposal by completing the feedback form below.
Alternatively, you can provide feedback by emailing link) or writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500. If you're writing or emailing, please quote the reference number ESP-080.15.012.
If you'd like further information please call our Environmental Strategy & Planning Division on (02) 4227 7111.
Wollongong City Council has been successful with an application to establish a biobank site at Puckeys Estate under the Office of Environment and Heritage’s (OEH) ‘Linking Landscapes Grant Program’.
The OEH ‘Linking Landscapes through Local Action’ project is part of the Green Corridors Program which is a priority action in the NSW Government’s NSW 2021 Plan to protect and conserve land, biodiversity and native vegetation in NSW. The program is funded through the NSW Environmental Trust.
The grant funding will be used to prepare and establish permanent conservation covenants under the BioBanking Scheme (biobanking agreements) through which the landowner is paid to protect and manage bushland on land owned by the recipients.
Council has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OEH for the creation of a biobanking agreement under the BioBanking Scheme and progress securing the grant funding for protection and enhance the natural environment of the Estate. Important aspects of the MOU are outlined in the Proposal document on the right of this page.
You can make a submission regarding this proposal by completing the feedback form below.
Alternatively, you can provide feedback by emailing link) or writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500. If you're writing or emailing, please quote the reference number ESP-080.15.012.
If you'd like further information please call our Environmental Strategy & Planning Division on (02) 4227 7111.
To comment, please read the proposal document on this page then complete the form below.
Consultation has concluded
Share Submissions on the proposed biobank site are invited until 27 August 2014 on FacebookShare Submissions on the proposed biobank site are invited until 27 August 2014 on TwitterShare Submissions on the proposed biobank site are invited until 27 August 2014 on LinkedinEmail Submissions on the proposed biobank site are invited until 27 August 2014 link