What works are proposed?

    The attached concept design provides detail about the following proposed works:
    • Construction of a pedestrian-refuge-island
    • Construction of a footpath from Reed Park Car Park to the new pedestrian-refuge-island
    • Creation of a right run lane into the Reed Park Car Park
    • Installation of signage
    • Relocation of the existing bus stop

    Where are the proposed works located?

    The proposed works are on Bong Bong Road, Horsley between Diamond Brothers Skate Park Car Park and Reed Park Car Park.

    Why is a pedestrian-refuge-island required?

    Council is committed to creating a pedestrian friendly city and developing a safe, connected network of pedestrian routes. 

    Traffic volumes on Bong Bong Road are often high and finding suitable gaps in the traffic to cross safely can prove difficult. School students and parents with young children using the park are among those who frequently cross this road. 

    A pedestrian refuge island will increase safety and ease of access, from one side of Bong Bong Road to the other, by allowing pedestrians to shelter safely between traffic lanes. The refuge also acts as a traffic calming device.

    The size of the pedestrian-refuge-island has been based on the needs of the area. The refuge island has been designed to accommodate groups of pedestrians.

    Why is a right turn lane needed?

    Currently there is one travel lane in either direction of Bong Bong Road. Creating a right turn lane will allow vehicles to move out of the travel lane to make a right hand turn into Reed Park Car Park. This will increase traffic flow and reduce congestion in the area.

    Why has this location been chosen?

    The location of the pedestrian-refuge-island was chosen as it provides connection between the Skate Park and Reed Park car parks. The location is also guided by Australian Standards which requires the island to be located a certain distance from the right hand turning lane. 

    Will pedestrians have right of way?

    A pedestrian-refuge-island is not a pedestrian crossing and does not provide right of way for pedestrians. The refuge island provides a place for pedestrians to stop and consider crossing against one direction of traffic at a time. Vehicles and cyclists are not required to stop for pedestrians.

    Do the changes accommodate cyclists?

    The existing on-road cycle way along Bong Bong Road will remain in place. The lane width is designed to allow for the safe passage of cyclist and vehicles in accordance with the Roads and Maritime Services requirements.  

    Why is the bus stop being relocated?

    The bus stop is being moved to ensure it is located at safe distance from the travel lane. The proposed location for the bus stop is also closer to the residential area.

    When will the works start and how long will it take?

    Works are anticipated to commence in June 2016. Once works commence the upgrade will take approximately 6 weeks to complete. Works will be undertaken Monday to Fridays between 7am and 5pm. Work may also need to be undertaken on Saturdays between 7am and 3.30pm. 

    Will the roads be closed during the works?

    There are no road closures anticipated. Road and footpath access will be maintained during construction. Some lane closures will be required. Traffic control will be used to maintain pedestrian and vehicle safety. 

    How do I access my driveway during works?

    Driveway access will be maintained throughout the works but there may be limited periods where access is subject to traffic control.

    How will works affect pedestrian access?

    Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the construction period. Temporary pedestrian access will be established as required.

    Will parking be affected?

    Some on-street parking will need to be removed to accommodate the traffic lanes. Parking is available in both Reed Park Car Park and Diamond Brothers Skate Park Car Park. The new pedestrian-refuge-island will allow pedestrians to move safely between the two car parks. 

    Will there be any impact on utilities or services i.e. phone, electricity, water, gas?

    No interruptions to services are expected as part of these works.

    How can I have my say?

    There are a variety of ways the community can provide comment about the concept design:
    Write Complete a hardcopy feedback form and send it to:
    Wollongong City Council 
    Locked Bag 8821 
    Wollongong DC, NSW, 2500

    How can I find out more information?

    For more information please call (02) 4227 7111.