What is a Plan of Management (PoM)?

    A Plan of Management provides a framework for the management and use of areas of community land. PoMs are required for all community land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Community land cannot be sold and must be used in accordance with an adopted PoM.   

    Why is Council amending the Plan of Management for the Botanic Garden?

    The existing PoM is ten years old.  A number of improvements have been made to the Botanic Garden and uses have changed over the years.  The plan is in need of updating to reflect the changes and provide direction for the future.  For example, many people have fond memories of attending a wedding at Gleniffer Brae, but that use ceased in 2009. The draft PoM provides an opportunity for that kind of use to return.  The Conservatorium of Music has had a home at Gleniffer Brae since the 1980s and this remains a PoM permissible use.     

    What is a Conservation Management Plan (CMP)?

    A CMP identifies a place’s cultural heritage significance, sets out conservation policies to protect the cultural heritage significance of the place in the light of change and provides a strategy for putting these policies into action.

    Why is Council amending the existing Gleniffer Brae CMP?

    It is good practice to review Conservation Management Plans (CMP) every ten years. The current CMP was prepared in 2001.  The CMP review confirms and updates the cultural heritage significance assessment and adds additional historical information and new conservation policies to protect the cultural heritage significance of the place.

    The review includes additional historical information gained from a 2002 Oral History with the Hoskins children and details the more recent history relating to Council’s search for appropriate uses to activate more areas of the site.  The review also includes an updated 10 year maintenance schedule for Gleniffer Brae, the Doll’s House, Gardener’s Shed and significant landscape elements.

    How is Gleniffer Brae's Heritage Value protected currently?

    Land and buildings with heritage value can be protected with heritage listing on a local, state or national level or a combination of listings. 

    Gleniffer Brae is listed on the State Heritage Register (Lots 2 and 3 DP 252694) and in the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 (Lot 3 DP 252694)

    Expanding the Local Heritage listing could be considered by Council in the future as a result of community feedback on the draft CMP.  Please see the Heritage Listing Options Information Sheet and the Heritage Listing Options Map

    Why does Council need a Planning Proposal to add 'Function Centre' as a permissible use for Gleniffer Brae?

    For many years, Council ran an events function centre from Gleniffer Brae. This use ceased in 2009 following a service review.  The current RE1 Public Recreation zoning does not permit Function Centre.  An additional use provision is proposed to be included in the LEP to enable the function centre use to be permissible.    

    How can I find out more about these three documents?

    Attend the

     Botanic Garden/Gleniffer Brae Open Day


    Saturday 19 November 2016 11am-3pm

    Activities include:

    Guided Tours of Gleniffer Brae/Botanic Garden

    Information Kiosk with Council Officers and Heritage Consultant

    Attend the

    Public Meeting

     (listen to the Officer briefing about the draft plans)

    Tuesday 22 November 2016 7pm

    Wollongong City Council

    Level 9 Function Room

    Administration Building

    41 Burelli Street Wollongong

    Alternatively you can:

     Visit the Council website and download the documents from Document Library at

    <insert link>

    Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or call Council 4227 7111 with questions about the draft plans.

    How can I have my say?

    Make a submission in writing during the exhibition period by any of the following means:

    ·  Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au

    ·  Letter posted to General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, South Coast Mail Centre, 2520

    ·  Complete a submission form available at the Botanic Garden/Gleniffer Brae Open Day on 19 November 2016 11 am – 3 pm

    ·  Speak at the public meeting or otherwise participate in the meeting processes as organised by the independent chairperson on Tuesday 22 November 7 pm, Level 9 Function Room, Administration Building, 41 Burelli Street Wollongong

    What happens once Council receives submissions?

    A report will be made to Council regarding the submissions received and the views expressed in the public meeting during the exhibition period.