Bulli Showground Draft Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

We want to hear your thoughts on the draft Master Plan we've developed for Bulli Showground.

In 2018/19 Council undertook extensive community engagement to find out how the community uses Bulli Showground and how they might like to use the site in the future. We heard that the community really values the site, and want to use it for a wider variety of purposes.

Bulli Showground is located at Grevillea Park Rd, Bulli, and is primarily used for greyhound racing. Greyhounds NSW recently shared their plan to consolidate all Greyhound racing to their new site in Dapto. This provides Council with options and gives room for more opportunities to invest in Bulli Showground and transform it into a contemporary, multi-use facility.

Proposed improvements and changes to Bulli Showground would see activity at the site diversified with anticipated uses that could include:

  • Removal of all greyhound racing infrastructure and main building and grandstand.
  • Concerts and festivals with space for over 10,000 patrons – the large, grassed arena of approximately 25,000 sqm supported by a dedicated hardstand area and supporting infrastructure for stage set up.
  • Markets, retail shows, family entertainment, social events, and civic/community activities.
  • Sports training (outdoor and indoor).
  • Opportunities for community and commercial uses such as food and beverage.
  • Flexible community space for a range of activities and events.
  • Small space for extreme or emerging sports and activities.

We know this is a well-used and valued community space, and it’s important we hear from the community about the future of this site. Community feedback and input will help us to refine the Master Plan for implementation, and position the project so that further detailed design and development can take place in future years.

Once endorsed by Council, a Master Plan for the showground will guide future use of this area as a recreational, cultural and sporting space for the local community and visitors.

To find out more:

To share your thoughts and feedback you can:

  • Complete the online survey (or pick up a printed copy at Wollongong, Thirroul or Corrimal Library)
  • Attend an information stall - chat with the project team and ask questions. Stalls will be held on:
    • Tuesday 23 May 2023 from 2.30 - 5pm at the greyhound racing meet (Bulli Showground)
    • Saturday 3 June 2023 from 4 - 8pm at Aussie Night Markets (Bulli Showground)
    • Sunday 4 June 2023 from 9am - 1pm at Thirroul Seaside and Arts Festival (Thirroul Beach Reserve)
    • Sunday 11 June 2023 from 10am - 2pm at Bulli Village Markets (Bulli Showground)
  • Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
  • Write to us at Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC
  • Call 4227 7111

Feedback closes on 15 June 2023.

Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

We want to hear your thoughts on the draft Master Plan we've developed for Bulli Showground.

In 2018/19 Council undertook extensive community engagement to find out how the community uses Bulli Showground and how they might like to use the site in the future. We heard that the community really values the site, and want to use it for a wider variety of purposes.

Bulli Showground is located at Grevillea Park Rd, Bulli, and is primarily used for greyhound racing. Greyhounds NSW recently shared their plan to consolidate all Greyhound racing to their new site in Dapto. This provides Council with options and gives room for more opportunities to invest in Bulli Showground and transform it into a contemporary, multi-use facility.

Proposed improvements and changes to Bulli Showground would see activity at the site diversified with anticipated uses that could include:

  • Removal of all greyhound racing infrastructure and main building and grandstand.
  • Concerts and festivals with space for over 10,000 patrons – the large, grassed arena of approximately 25,000 sqm supported by a dedicated hardstand area and supporting infrastructure for stage set up.
  • Markets, retail shows, family entertainment, social events, and civic/community activities.
  • Sports training (outdoor and indoor).
  • Opportunities for community and commercial uses such as food and beverage.
  • Flexible community space for a range of activities and events.
  • Small space for extreme or emerging sports and activities.

We know this is a well-used and valued community space, and it’s important we hear from the community about the future of this site. Community feedback and input will help us to refine the Master Plan for implementation, and position the project so that further detailed design and development can take place in future years.

Once endorsed by Council, a Master Plan for the showground will guide future use of this area as a recreational, cultural and sporting space for the local community and visitors.

To find out more:

To share your thoughts and feedback you can:

  • Complete the online survey (or pick up a printed copy at Wollongong, Thirroul or Corrimal Library)
  • Attend an information stall - chat with the project team and ask questions. Stalls will be held on:
    • Tuesday 23 May 2023 from 2.30 - 5pm at the greyhound racing meet (Bulli Showground)
    • Saturday 3 June 2023 from 4 - 8pm at Aussie Night Markets (Bulli Showground)
    • Sunday 4 June 2023 from 9am - 1pm at Thirroul Seaside and Arts Festival (Thirroul Beach Reserve)
    • Sunday 11 June 2023 from 10am - 2pm at Bulli Village Markets (Bulli Showground)
  • Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
  • Write to us at Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC
  • Call 4227 7111

Feedback closes on 15 June 2023.

Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility or language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Consultation has concluded
  • Engagement Findings - July 2023

    Share Engagement Findings - July 2023 on Facebook Share Engagement Findings - July 2023 on Twitter Share Engagement Findings - July 2023 on Linkedin Email Engagement Findings - July 2023 link
    supporting image

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent engagement on the Bulli Showground Draft Master Plan. Here is a summary of what we heard:

    About the Project

    Bulli Showground has become one of the city’s most significant sporting facilities. People recognise the potential for Bulli Showground to become an area that supports a diverse range of uses. These include concerts and festivals, markets, retail shows, family events, sports training, and space for active or adventure recreation opportunities.

    Following extensive community consultation and stakeholder engagement undertaken in 2018/19, Council has developed a draft Master Plan for Bulli Showground. During May and June 2023, people were then asked for their feedback on the plan. Overwhelmingly people agree with the proposal to transform the showground into a contemporary multi-use facility suitable for hosting of events and sports training facilities. Potential traffic and noise impacts resulting from this proposal were the two major issues identified by residents. Other feedback received will help refine the master plan and to guide future investigations required to make the project a success.

    Engagement summary

    84% of survey participants (N=288) agreed with Council’s proposal to transform the showground into a contemporary multi-use facility suitable for hosting of events and sports training facilities.

    The feedback ranged from positive support for the proposed sporting, social, commercial and sustainability opportunities the master plan provided to concerns about a range of issues. Many participants supported the provision of facilities for a wide variety of sports with improved amenities, and lighting for sporting events. Several participants suggested a multi-purpose facility to support cultural and community activities. Opportunities for affordable commercial as well as non-commercial community uses were requested. These included café/kiosks, artist run galleries, community gardens and an inclusive playground.

    A key theme was the request for adequate, planned, safe and well managed access to the site. Requests were made for more detailed management plans that would address issues such as noise, flood, traffic, and infrastructure required for festivals. Others requested more information on how the plan would affect Grevillea Park. Several participants expressed concern regarding the impact of the future Bulli bypass. A few participants criticised the draft Master Plan for being too narrow in scope.

    The sustainability potential of the site was also identified by some respondents. The incorporation of sustainable design into its construction was asked to be considered. Other suggestions ranged from requests for a dog off-leash park and the incorporation of camping & caravan provisions.

    If you would like to find out more, you can read the complete Engagement Report now.

    Next Steps

    The feedback received from this engagement will be reported to Council to help inform their decision on endorsing the Master Plan.

    Once endorsed by Council, a Master Plan for the showground will guide future use of the area as a recreational, cultural, and sporting space for the local community and visitors.