Climate Change Mitigation Plan 2023 - 2030

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Consultation has concluded

Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan maps the pathway of how together we can transition to a low carbon community and achieve our Net Zero emissions target. 

Climate change mitigation is a dynamic space with rapidly evolving technology, and so our approach to reducing emissions needs to be adaptive.

That’s why the pathway consists of a series of documents that are updated throughout our journey to Net Zero emissions.

Each Plan sets out actions and builds on progress made previously to help the community and Council reduce emissions.

How we made this plan:

In late 2022 we asked for your ideas to help us shape the Plan for 2023 - 2030. We received around 400 responses to the community survey, over 200 responses from local businesses, and spoke to many community members directly through pop-up stalls, targeted discussions with community groups, and special events.

You told us what you are doing in response to climate change:And we heard what you want us to focus on in our response to climate change:

The image shows infographics of an electric vehicle representing sustainable trasnport, a battery representing community renewable energy solutions, and a house with solar panels representing home solar and battery.You can read about how we engaged the community to build the plan here.

Have we got it right? 

We invite your feedback on the draft Plan 2023 - 2030 to further refine it for adoption by Council.

The Plan has proposed actions in three areas:

For more information: 

  • Read the draft Plan
  • Read the Plan Summary
  • View the Council Report
  • Attend an online information session on Wednesday 11 October from 12.30pm to 1pm Register here(External link)
  • Attend the drop-in session on Tuesday 17th October anytime between 10am - 11:30 at Port Kembla Community Centre - corner of Wentworth & Church St, Port Kembla
  • Attend an online information session on Tuesday 17 October at 4.30pm to 5 pm Register here(External link)

Share your thoughts:

Opportunity to provide feedback closes on the 30 October 2023.

Accessibility and language assistance:

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link)If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Wollongong’s Climate Change Mitigation Plan maps the pathway of how together we can transition to a low carbon community and achieve our Net Zero emissions target. 

Climate change mitigation is a dynamic space with rapidly evolving technology, and so our approach to reducing emissions needs to be adaptive.

That’s why the pathway consists of a series of documents that are updated throughout our journey to Net Zero emissions.

Each Plan sets out actions and builds on progress made previously to help the community and Council reduce emissions.

How we made this plan:

In late 2022 we asked for your ideas to help us shape the Plan for 2023 - 2030. We received around 400 responses to the community survey, over 200 responses from local businesses, and spoke to many community members directly through pop-up stalls, targeted discussions with community groups, and special events.

You told us what you are doing in response to climate change:And we heard what you want us to focus on in our response to climate change:

The image shows infographics of an electric vehicle representing sustainable trasnport, a battery representing community renewable energy solutions, and a house with solar panels representing home solar and battery.You can read about how we engaged the community to build the plan here.

Have we got it right? 

We invite your feedback on the draft Plan 2023 - 2030 to further refine it for adoption by Council.

The Plan has proposed actions in three areas:

For more information: 

  • Read the draft Plan
  • Read the Plan Summary
  • View the Council Report
  • Attend an online information session on Wednesday 11 October from 12.30pm to 1pm Register here(External link)
  • Attend the drop-in session on Tuesday 17th October anytime between 10am - 11:30 at Port Kembla Community Centre - corner of Wentworth & Church St, Port Kembla
  • Attend an online information session on Tuesday 17 October at 4.30pm to 5 pm Register here(External link)

Share your thoughts:

Opportunity to provide feedback closes on the 30 October 2023.

Accessibility and language assistance:

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link)If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.