How was the plan developed? And why do we need an updated Community Safety Plan if we have one?

    The Plan is a strategic plan of actions that enables Council, together with community stakeholders, other levels of government and the business sector, to strengthen communities and achieve inclusive places and spaces, where crime is prevented, and people feel and are safer.

    The Community Safety Plan uses data from government sources as well as local crime intelligence and information from the community.  Information is collected through consultations with internal and external stakeholders and partners as well as the community.

    A draft Plan is then developed and placed on public exhibition for further comment. The Plan includes strategies focusing on community safety and targeting specific localised crimes.

    The reason we need an updated plan is that the life cycle of the Community Safety Plan 2016-2020 has ended, and we understand over time localised crimes change or differ and we want to ensure the safety of community members. 

    What will it focus on in the next 4 years?

    the 5 areas of focus will be:

    1. Property and Environment - Malicious damage including graffiti 

    2. Gendered violence - Domestic Assult 

    3. Anti Social Behaviour - Assault non-domestic (alcohol-related) and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) including intimidation, stalking and harassment.

    4. Personal property - fraud, steal from a motor vehicle, motor vehicle theft 

    5. Perceptions - Perceived and actual community safety 

    What are some examples of actions that Wollongong City Council will do?

    Property and environment

    Conduct graffiti prevention projects in locations with high levels of graffiti

     Promote Council’s Graffiti reporting line

    Gendered violence

    Work in partnership with lead agencies to share information and raise awareness 

    Support ending Domestic Violence and Reclaim the Night campaigns

    Antisocial behaviour (ASB)

    Promote and attend Wollongong Liquor Accord meetings

    Work with others to improve safety at identified hotspots

    Personal property 

    Develop and implement projects that educate the community about fraud offences, such as credit card theft 

    Work with NSW police to raise community awareness about stealing from motor vehicles

    Perceived and actual Community Safety

    Conduct perceptions of Safety Survey 

    Develop and implement projects that reduce residents’ concerns  

    Where did the Plan get its data from?

    he Community Safety Plan is developed using data from Government sources as well as local crime intelligence and information from residents in the Perceptions of Safety Survey we collected at the beginning of 2020.

    How can I comment on the plan?

    You can comment on the plan by: