What is Creative Wollongong?

    Creative Wollongong is Councils new Cultural Plan. This document provides us with a strategic direction for the future, as we aim to grow creative industries, support community participation in creative life and celebrate our unique places and spaces.

    Why do we need a Plan?

    Over the last few years Wollongong has experienced a period of rapid change and our City’s cultural landscape is evolving. It is important that we have a Plan to guide us to continue to support and celebrate local Arts, heritage and culture. 

    How was the Plan developed?

    The Plan was developed using current research and information collected through engagement with the community. Over 790 people shared their thoughts and ideas. This information has been used to develop the focus areas and actions in the Plan.

    What happens next?

    You can give us feedback up until 12 February. Following a review of the community's feedback, the final draft of Creative Wollongong will be presented at a Council Meeting for adoption.

    How can I give feedback?

    You can give feedback by:

    • Visiting Council’s website

    • Filling out a feedback from at your local library and the Wollongong Art Gallery

    • Sending an email to engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link)

    • Writing to us at Locked Bag 8821, WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500

    • Calling us on 4227 7111 to have a feedback from posted to your address