Construction of mountain bike trails moves ahead
The Cringila Hills Recreation Master Plan was adopted in March 2020 taking into consideration community feedback on the draft. You can read a summary of how community feedback helped shape the final plan here.
Council resolved at the 16 November meeting to engage Dirt Art Pty Ltd to prepare detailed designs and to construct 11.5km of mountain bike trails and 3.1km walking trails at Cringila Hills. Detailed design is to commence late 2020 with construction currently planned to commence early 2021.
Mountain bike trails will cater for a variety of skill sets catering for beginner, intermediate to advanced riders.
Trail construction will also include weed management, revegetation and wayfinding signage as well as management of some wastes as a result of legacy illegal dumping.
To keep up to date with the development of the Park read more here.(External link)
Consultation has concluded