- Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Draft Operational Plan 2022-2023
- Attachment 1: Draft Budget 2022-2023
- Attachment 2: Draft Infrastructure Delivery Program 2022-2023 – 2025-2026
- Attachment 3: Draft Revenue Policy Fees and Charges 2022-2023
- Extending Council’s shared path and footpath network.
- Investment in Council’s stormwater network including projects to reduce flooding risk.
- Continued work on Community Centre and Libraries for Warrawong and Helensburgh
- Construction of the West Dapto Road Upgrade project and continued design of other significant infrastructure upgrades across the West Dapto Urban Release Area.
- Construction of the upgraded Beaton Park Regional Tennis Complex.
- The renewal and upgrade of Council’s treated water pools.
- Continued work on the Grand Pacific Walk
- Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2022-2032
- Draft Asset Management Strategy 2022-2032
- Draft Workforce Management Strategy 2022-2026
- Draft Information Management and Technology Strategy 2022-2024
- Complete the feedback form the Our Wollongong page
- Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Phone (02) 4227 7111
What is the Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2022-2023?
The draft Plans detail Council’s plan around our services, activities and budget. They set out what projects, initiatives and services we’re committed to delivering, and how they will be paid for. They’re part of a suite of plans which include the:
Copies of the draft documents can be viewed on Our Wollongong, Council's community engagement website.
What are the key projects Council is proposing to deliver?
What is the Our Resourcing Strategy?
The draft Our Resourcing Strategy outlines and assesses how Council will manage its finances, assets and people to work towards achieving the community’s vision and goals. The components that make up this strategy include:
Why does Council collect rates and how are the rates determined?
Council is obligated by the Local Government Act 1993 to collect rates from all property owners in our city, and these funds are used to finance Wollongong’s varied services, facilities and infrastructure. While we also collect income from other sources such as ‘user pays’ for services and facilities, and our commercial businesses, rates are Council’s largest and most important source of revenue.
Every three years, all rateable land within Council’s Local Government Area undergoes a compulsory, independent revaluation by the NSW Valuer General. These land values provide the basis for how rates are determined, along with the permissible rate Council can increase its total rate income over the previous year, set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). For the 2022-2023 financial year, Council will use values from July 2019 to calculate the rates.
You can have a look at the rates map for the Wollongong LGA here.
It is proposed rates increase in line with our long-term estimates adopted in June 2021 - 1.8%.
This will require IPART approval to apply this rate instead of the rate peg announced of 1%, although the rate increase remains well below the RBA estimated CPI increase for 2022-23 of 3.75% for 2022-23.
How much are my rates increasing?
A 1.8% Rate equates to increase of around $24 in the average residential rate.
Domestic Waste charges for a 120-litre bin will increase by 1.1% or $4.60/year to $421.60 (2021-22 - $417).
Stormwater Management charge proposed to remain unchanged at $25 per property (Residential non strata).
What is the Additional Special Variation to rates?
Rates and annual charges account for around 65% of our operating budget.
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) advised councils in April 2022 that they may apply for an Additional Special Variation to their rates if their previous long terms estimates were above the proposed rate peg of 1%.
Council decided to apply for this variation and it is proposed rates increase 1.8% in line with our long-term estimates adopted in June 2021-22.
This will require IPART approval to apply this rate instead of the rate peg announced of 1%. The additional 0.8% rate amount equates to $12 for the average residential rate and remains well below the RBA estimated CPI increase for 2022-23 of 3.75%.
If approved, the 1.8% rate amount equates to an increase of around $24 in the average residential rate.
What is Council doing to reduce the financial impact of rates?
Wollongong City Council has an existing Debt Recovery and Hardship Assistance Policy which provides a range of support actions for those in financial distress. To find out more, please contact us on (02) 4227 7111.
Should I let family and friends or interested community members know about the draft plans?
Yes. We encourage people to share this information with friends and family. You can do this by sending the link our.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/delivery-program-operational-plan-2022 via email or text message. This will give more people in our community the opportunity to have a say about the draft Plans.
How can I provide my feedback on the draft plans?
You can provide feedback in the following ways
Feedback can be provided to Council between 4 May - 31 May 2022.
Your submission is used by Council to assist in its decision-making processes. All feedback will be considered in the finalisation of the plans. All comments will be summarised and provided to Council with the final report.