- The role of our Centres is clear
- Our Centres are a good fit for our Community
- Our new Centres are well planned
- Our Centres are active and vibrant
- Our Centres are accessible and support transport mode shift
- Our City Centre is a thriving commercial precinct
- Emailing records@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
- Phoning (02) 4227 7111
- Visiting Council's Customer Service Centre, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong
What are retail and business centres?
‘Retail and Business Centres’ refers to the central business districts of our villages, towns, major towns and the Wollongong City Centre. Generally speaking, these Centres have a include a mix of uses including commercial, residential, public recreation and social infrastructure
What is a DCP?
A Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed planning and design guidelines to support the planning controls in the Local Environmental Plan (LEP). A DCP is prepared and adopted by Councils. A DCP provides more detail about how land can be used and developed and may relate to a particular building type, (e.g., Residential), a place (e.g., Wollongong CBD) or to a particular topic (e.g., flooding or heritage).
What is the Wollongong Retail and Business Centres Strategy?
Wollongong’s Centres Strategy supports our centres to be successful thriving places for people to meet, connect, shop, work and live. Well planned and effective centres will deliver more sustainable local employment opportunities, economic productivity, and convenient access to services for our increasing and evolving population.
The Strategy outlines 6 directions for Centres:
The Strategy has 22 Recommendations which will be implemented via a rage of programs and projects. One of these is to update the Centres Hierarchy in the DCP Chapter B4.
What is the Employment Zone Reform?
The NSW Government is introducing new employment zones through a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP). This will replace existing Business (B) and Industrial (IN) zones with five new employment zones (E) and three supporting zones. The changes will come in effect in the Wollongong LEP on 26 April 2023.
The new zones include:
Existing zones | New zone |
B1 Neighbourhood Centre | E1 Local Centre |
B2 Local Centre | |
B3 Commercial Core | E2 Commercial Centre |
B5 Business Development (not currently included in the Wollongong LEP) | E3 Productivity Support |
B6 Enterprise Corridor | |
B7 Business Park | |
IN1 General Industrial | E4 General Industrial |
IN2 Light Industrial | |
IN3 Heavy Industrial |
| Supporting Zones |
B4 Mixed Use | MU1 Mixed Use |
IN4 Working Waterfront | W4 Working Waterfront |
B8 Metropolitan Centre (not currently included in the Wollongong LEP 2009) | SP4 Enterprise |
Who can I talk to about the draft DCP update?
Council staff are available to discuss the draft Strategy with you. You can contact Council by:
What happens to our feedback?
Following the engagement period, the project team will review and consider all the feedback. We’ll then get back in touch everyone we’ve heard from to let them know what the outcome is.
What happens next?
Following the exhibition, Council will consider the issues raised in submissions and report a final policy document to Council for adoption. If adopted the updates will form part of the Wollongong DCP 2009.