Why does Council need a DIAP?
The Disability Inclusion Act requires Council to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan. As 1 in 5 people in Australia live with some form of disability, it is really important for Council to have a DIAP. This Plan will provide us with a strategic direction as we make our services, facilities, activities and information more accessible.
Why is Council updating the DIAP?
Council developed its first Disability Inclusion Action Plan in 2016; this Plan is coming to the end of its timeframe. It is important we update the Plan and make sure it captures and reflects the community’s priorities.
What will the Plan do?
The Plan will guide
Council in creating a more inclusive and accessible environment that supports
people with disability to be involved in community life.
Who is responsible for the Plan?
The Plan will be
developed and delivered with help from all areas of Council.
How is Council collecting information?
Council has run a survey with
people with a disability and their carers to collect information. We will also hold workshops later in the year.
What will Council do with the information from the DAIP survey?
The information
collected from the survey will help us identify and understand the challenges
that people with disability face in accessing Council services and facilities.
This information will be used to help set priorities for the Plan.
How can I find out more information about community workshops?
If you would like to know
more about the community workshops, please call Council on 4227 7111.