Dogs on Beaches & Parks Policy Review
Thanks to everyone who was actively involved in this important community project by providing feedback. We've prepared a report, including your feedback, which will be considered by Council at the meeting on 24 November 2014. To view the report and other agenda items, visit Council's website(External link).
The Dogs on Beaches & Parks Policy is under review, and we'd like to hear your thoughts on the proposed changes.
The proposals focus on the creation of new off-leash park areas throughout the local government area, potential changes to existing zoning at some beaches, and improvement of transition areas at beaches via signage and other visual support.
To have your say, please read the Frequently Asked Questions(External link) and provide your feedback by completing the community survey(External link). The survey asks about each and every proposal, we encourage you to comment specifically on those areas that you use or are important to you.
For more information please call 4227 7111 or email link). You can find out more about the existing beach and park areas throughout the Wollongong area at link)
We thank you for taking the time to provide us with your thoughts, as it assists us in making more informed decisions about this policy.
Feedback must be received by 5pm, Monday 6 October, 2014.