- Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-2025
- Attachment 1: Draft Budget 2024-2025
- Attachment 2: Draft Infrastructure Delivery Program 2024-2025 – 2027-2028
- Attachment 3: Draft Revenue Policy, Rates, Annual Charges & Fees 2024-2025
- Southern Suburbs Library & Community Centre
- Helensburgh Library & Community Centre
- Major infrastructure works to improve access to areas around West Dapto, including construction of the West Dapto Road upgrade
- Figtree Oval Amenities upgrade
- Over 175 road upgrades across the Local Government Area
- Helensburgh Pool upgrade
- Additional sport field lighting projects
- Wongawilli Hall Upgrade
- Design and construction of the first stage of Darkes Town Centre Sporting and Community Hub
- Northern Cycleway; Ursula Road to Farrell Road
- Art Gallery & Town Hall – Refurbishment
- Murray Road; Duff Parade to Cawley Street shared path
- McMahons Street Detention Basin
- Ongoing construction of the Beaton Park Tennis Complex, with 8 of the 14 new courts constructed to an International Tennis Federation Standard
- Further work on the Grand Pacific Walk
- Complete the online feedback form
- Send an email to ourwollongongourfuture2032@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Phone (02) 4227 7111
What is the Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan?
The Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan details Council's commitment to delivering projects, initiatives, and services, along with the associated budget and funding sources. The Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan is a four-part document which includes:
What are some key highlights of the draft Infrastructure Delivery Program?
There are some exciting items in the draft Infrastructure Delivery Program. These include:
Why does Council collect rates?
Council collects rates to fund its services, maintain local roads, facilities, and public open spaces, including parks and gardens.
While rates income remains the predominant source of income for Council, it is supplemented by user fees for services, statutory charges, grants and contributions and income from commercial endeavours. Council’s Draft Revenue Policy, Rates, Annual Charges and Fees 2024-2025 outlines those areas that Council receives income in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993.
The total amount of rates that can be collected by Council is set by Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).
A general re-valuation of land (by the Valuer General of New South Wales) usually occurs every three years. For the 2024‑2025 financial year, Council will use values from July 2022 to calculate rates.
How much are my rates increasing?
For the financial year 2024‑2025, Council is proposing that our rates income is indexed by 5% in line with the IPART rate peg determined for Wollongong.
Domestic Waste charges for a medium size bin (120-140 litre) will increase by 11.5% or $51.55/year to $498.05 (2023-2024 - $446.50).
Stormwater Management charge is proposed to remain unchanged at $25 per property (Residential non strata).
Proposed fees and other charges will generally increase by 3.7%.
Wollongong City Council has a Debt Recovery and Hardship Assistance Policy which provides a range of support actions for those in financial distress. To find out more, please contact us.
How can I give feedback on the draft plans?
The Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan can be viewed on this webpage. There are a few ways to give feedback on the draft plans including:
You can share information about this with your friends and family in lots of ways, such as sending an email or message with the weblink.
Your submission is used by Council to assist in its decision-making processes. All feedback will be considered in the finalisation of the plans. All comments will be summarised and provided to Council with the final report.
Feedback will be accepted between 10 April – 7 May 2024
Having issues accessing the survey?
To take the survey you just need to provide an email address and a screen name. You don't need to be registered with our engagement website. However, if you receive the message: ! Email address in use when you put in your email address, this means our engagement website has recognised your email, as you have previously used it to register with us. The website is prompting you to sign into your account first. If you are registered with us but prefer not to sign in or have forgotten your password, you can take the survey by providing an alternative email address.