Draft Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2023-2024
Attachment 1: Draft Budget 2023-2024
Attachment 2: Draft Infrastructure Delivery Program 2023-2024 – 2026-2027
Attachment 3: Draft Revenue Policy, Rates, Annual Charges & Fees 2023-2024
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What is the Draft Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2023-2024?
The draft Plans detail Council's commitment to delivering projects, initiatives, and services, along with the associated budget and funding sources.. They’re part of a suite of plans which include the:
Copies of the draft documents can be viewed on Our Wollongong, Council's community engagement website.
What are some key highlights of the draft Infrastructure Delivery Program?
There are some exciting big-ticket items in the draft 2023-24 to 2026-27 Infrastructure Delivery Program.
These include:
•Beaton Park Tennis Complex
•Bellambi Gully Stormwater Upgrade
•McMahons St Detention Basin
•Hill 60 Accessible Viewing Area
•Stuart Park All-Access, All-Abilities Playground
•Southern Suburbs Community Centre and Library
•Western Suburbs Pool Upgrade
•Fred Finch Netball Courts (Stage 2)
•Wollongong Art Gallery and Town Hall A/C upgrades
Why does Council collect rates and how are the rates determined?
Council collects rates to fund its services, maintain local roads, facilities, and public open spaces, including parks and gardens.
The total amount of rates that can be collected by Council is set by Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). For the financial year 2023‑2024, Council is proposing that our rates income is indexed by 3.7% in line with the IPART determined rate indexation.
A general revaluation of land (by the Valuer General of New South Wales) within Council areas usually occurs every three years. Council rates for 2023‑2024 will be calculated using new valuations determined as of 1 July 2022.
Revaluations do not change Council’s total General Income. This is determined through the IPART Rate Peg determination process. Variations in land value affects the proportion to be paid by individual assessments, which will vary depending on the change in land value in relation to the average change in land value.
For this reason, there won’t be one common percentage change in rates for ratepayers. Some may see an increase, some may decrease, and others may stay the same and, particularly, the new valuations have impacted each category in different ways.
There are several sources of income available for Council in addition to rates. While rates income remains the predominant source of income, it is supplemented by user fees for services, statutory charges, grants and contributions and income from commercial endeavours. Council’s draft Revenue Policy, Rates, Annual Charges and Fees 2023-2024 outlines those areas that Council receives income in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993.
How much are my rates increasing?
It is proposed Council’s General Income from rates increase in line with the IPART rate cap – 3.7%. With new values being applied for the first time in 2023-2024 there will not be a consistent level of change, some rates will increase, and some will decrease.
Domestic Waste charges for a 120 litre bin will increase by 5.9% or $24.90/year to $446.50 (2022-2023 - $421.60).
Stormwater Management charge is proposed to remain unchanged at $25 per property (Residential non strata).
Proposed fees and other charges will generally increase by 5.9%.
Wollongong City Council has an existing Debt Recovery and Hardship Assistance Policy which provides a range of support actions for those in financial distress. To find out more, please contact us.
Should I let family and friends or interested community members know about the draft plans?
Yes, we would love to hear feedback from as many people in our community as we can. You can share information about this with your friends and family in lots of ways, such as:
How can I give feedback on the draft plans?
There are a number of ways to give feedback on the draft plans including:
Phone: (02) 4227 7111
Use the online feedback form
Feedback can be provided to Council during the public exhibition period 5 April – 2 May 2023 .
Your submission is used by Council to assist in its decision-making processes. All feedback will be considered in the finalisation of the plans. All comments will be summarised and provided to Council with the final report.