Wilga Street Block, Corrimal - Draft Planning Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft Development Control Plan
Consultation has concluded
The Wilga Street block, at the northern end of the Corrimal Town Centre, has different planning controls to the rest of the Town Centre. The block is bounded by Princes Highway, Wilga Street, Collins Street and Memorial Park. The Princes Highway side of the block is zoned E1 Local Centre with a height limit of 9m and floor space ratio of 1.5:1. The Wilga Street side of the block is zoned R2 Low Density Residential with a height limit of 9m and floor space ratio of 0.5:1. Some businesses, such as the Corrimal ParkContinue reading
The Wilga Street block, at the northern end of the Corrimal Town Centre, has different planning controls to the rest of the Town Centre. The block is bounded by Princes Highway, Wilga Street, Collins Street and Memorial Park. The Princes Highway side of the block is zoned E1 Local Centre with a height limit of 9m and floor space ratio of 1.5:1. The Wilga Street side of the block is zoned R2 Low Density Residential with a height limit of 9m and floor space ratio of 0.5:1. Some businesses, such as the Corrimal Park Mall and Corrimal RSL club extend across both zones. The rest of the Corrimal Town Centre is also zoned E1 Local Centre with a height limit of 15m and floor space ratio of 1.5:1.
Council owns 101 Wilga Street, Corrimal, currently licensed for use as an at-grade carpark which sits in the middle of the Wilga Street Block Study Area. The car park is zoned R2 Low Density Residential and is classified as Operational land.
Following the Corrimal Town Centre Study (2015) Council has undertaken a review of the planning controls for the Wilga Street block.
Council is seeking feedback on a range of documents related to a precinct known as the Wilga Street Block in Corrimal Town Centre.
(a) Draft Wilga Street Planning Strategy
The draft Planning Strategy recommends changes to planning controls, based on the testing outlined in the Urban Design Study. The intended outcomes as defined through the Planning Strategy, include:
A place for all. A high-quality town centre supported by accessible, diverse and attractive offerings
A vibrant mixed-use precinct. A place-based approach that is sensitive to the needs and desires of the community it serves.
A high-amenity precinct. Create a network of cool, comfortable and connected places where people can dwell.
An improved pedestrian experience. Prioritise a walkable neighbourhood where the pedestrian experience is safe and comfortable.
Consolidated access and servicing. Parking and servicing is functional, adequate and discreet.
An improved development outcome. Encourage revitalisation of the town centre through redevelopment of this key block to provide greater public benefit.
(b) Planning Proposal to amend the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009
The purpose of this Planning Proposal is to amend the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 based on the findings of the Wilga Street Block Urban Design Study and recommendations of the draft Wilga Street Planning Strategy. It relates to the lots contained within the block bound by Wilga Street, Collins Street, the Princes Highway and Memorial Park.
The Planning Proposal seeks to:
Amend the land use zone for part of the Block from R2 Low Density to E1 Local Centre
Amend the maximum height of buildings map across the Block from 9m to 15m
Amend the floor space ratio map for part of the block from 0.5:1 to 1.5:1
Remove the application of a 499 square metre minimum subdivision lot size for part of the Block
Amend Clause 7.19 Active Street frontages and accompanying maps to include reference to public open space and identify active frontages in certain locations
Introduce a new local provision and associated maps to facilitate alternative building height and floor space ratio provision in certain circumstance for certain land
Introduce a new local provision to levy contributions for affordable housing on defined sites
Amend Clause 7.18 Design Excellence in Wollongong and at key site to include additional considerations and reference the overshadowing map
Amend the Key Site Map to identify the Block
Introduce a new local provision to protect solar access to Memorial Park including the sports grounds and Luke’s Place Playground and the Memorial Park Sportsgrounds, identify these areas on the Overshadowing map
Amend Clause 4.6 to include reference to the proposed overshadowing clause.
(c) Draft amendment to Chapter B4 of the Wollongong Development Control Plan 2009
New site-specific controls are proposed to be included within Part 7 Planning Requirements for Development in the Major Town Centres within DCP Chapter B4 – Development in Centres and Peripheral Sales Centres. The amendments will -
Define the desired future character for the Wilga Street Block, street interfaces and Memorial Park interface
Define key public views towards the Escarpment, including a new framed view of Brokers Nose
Define pedestrian links from the Princes Highway to Wilga St and to the Park.
Define access, circulation and parking for vehicles.
Define preferred lot amalgamation options.
Define building street wall heights and building setbacks
Provide detailed active frontage design controls and controls for residential frontages at ground.
To View the Documents
The draft Planning Strategy, Planning Proposal, draft DCP, and supporting documents are on exhibition from Wednesday 8 November 2023 to Tuesday 19 December 2023 and can be viewed:
At Corrimal Library, 15 Short Street, Corrimal, during opening hours,
At Wollongong Library, First Floor Administration Building, 41 Burelli Street Wollongong, during opening hours
At Council’s Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor Administration Building, 41 Burelli Street Wollongong, between 9am and 5pm weekdays
Online via the Document Library
- You can also find out more by reading the FAQ's.
Share Your Thoughts by:
Completing the online form
Emailing records@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
Writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
For written and emailed submissions, please quote: 'PP-2023/2'. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.
If you have questions about the material on exhibition you can speak to the Land Use Planning Team on 4227 7111.
Council Decision – Draft Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendment
Share Council Decision – Draft Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendment on Facebook Share Council Decision – Draft Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendment on Twitter Share Council Decision – Draft Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendment on Linkedin Email Council Decision – Draft Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendment linkCouncil considered a report on the Draft Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft DCP Amendment for the Wilga Street Block, Corrimal at the 18 March 2024 meeting. You can review the minutes here. The outcome was:
- The Wilga Street Block Strategy was adopted. You can review the adopted document on Council’s Key Documents page under Planning and Development
- The Planning Proposal was supported. The Planning Proposal will now be sent the Department of Planning, Housing & Industry (DPHI) for finalisation. DPHI is the delegated plan making authority, the amendment to the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 will be notified on the NSW Legislation website once DPHI has completed their processes.
- Draft DCP Amendment was adopted. The amendment to Chapter B4 to include location specific controls for the Wilga Street Block will come into force when the amendment to the LEP is notified, and a commencement notice will be published on Councils website.
Thank you to all who reviewed the documents and took the time to provide input during the consultation period.
Feedback under review
Share Feedback under review on Facebook Share Feedback under review on Twitter Share Feedback under review on Linkedin Email Feedback under review linkThank you to community members, groups and organisations who provided valuable feedback. Currently, all feedback is being considered to shape the final plan.
Key Dates
19 December 2023
Document Library
Draft Wilga Street Planning Strategy - March 2023 (4.09 MB) (pdf)
Wilga Street Block Planning Proposal with Appendicies (7.56 MB) (pdf)
Draft Wilga Street Block DCP amendments (1.33 MB) (pdf)
Supporting Documents
Council Minutes - 3 April 2023 (304 KB) (pdf)
Council Report - 3 April 2023 (35.2 MB) (pdf)
Wilga Street Block Flood Risk and Impact Assessment (11 MB) (pdf)
Wilga Street Block Traffic Impact Assessment (6.58 MB) (pdf)
Gateway Determination Report (1.51 MB) (pdf)
Gateway Determination (NSW Government) (90.9 KB) (pdf)
- What is a planning proposal?
- What is a development control plan?
- Why are Council reviewing planning controls that apply to the Wilga Street Block?
- What does this mean for the Council-owned carpark within the Block?
- Does the planning proposal approve any development?
- How and when will a decision be made on the Planning Proposal?
- Who is the Local Plan-Making Authority for this Planning Proposal?
Project Timeline
Gateway Determination and Public Exhibition Period
Wilga Street Block, Corrimal - Draft Planning Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft Development Control Plan has finished this stageA Gateway Determination was received on 31 October 2023. Council is currently seeking feedback on the proposed changes from the community, government agencies and other stakeholders.
Consideration of submissions
Wilga Street Block, Corrimal - Draft Planning Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft Development Control Plan has finished this stageSubmissions received during public exhibition will be reviewed and addressed in a report to Council.
Final Council Consideration
Wilga Street Block, Corrimal - Draft Planning Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft Development Control Plan has finished this stageA report to Council will be prepared following public exhibition which outlines the feedback received and any changes made as a result of the feedback, Council will then decide whether or not to finalise the proposal. If supported, the proposal is sent to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting that the proposal be finalised.
Wilga Street Block, Corrimal - Draft Planning Strategy, Planning Proposal and Draft Development Control Plan is currently at this stageThe Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009 and Development Control Plan are amended, if supported by Council.
Who's Listening
Strategic Project Officer
BMPhone 4227 7111