Draft Planning Proposal Stage 3 West Dapto Release Area
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Consultation has concluded
Council has a received a draft planning proposal for land between Bong Bong Road and Cleveland Road for residential development. The land forms part of Stage Three West Dapto Release Area and includes eleven (11) lots being:
Lot 1 DP 810104
Lot 2 DP 810104
Lot 3 DP 810104
Lot 1 DP 730326
Lot 2 DP 730326
Lot 59 DP 1125379
Lot 1 DP 156208
Lot 1 DP 532391
Lot 200 DP 803810
Lot 3 DP 532391
Lot 10 DP 235743
To assist Council in forming an opinion on the draft planning proposal, Council is notifying surrounding land owners and other stakeholders prior to reporting the draft planning proposal to a Council meeting later this year.
The draft planning proposal seeks to rezone 270ha of land between Bong Bong Road and Cleveland Road, West Dapto from RU2 Rural Landscape and E3 Environmental Management zones to a mix of residential zones and business zones including R2 Low Density Residential, R3 Medium Density Residential, B1 Neighbourhood Centre and E3 Environmental Management to support the future Bong Bong Town Centre. For further information including maps please refer to supporting report.
If Council resolves to progress the draft planning proposal there will be a formal community consultation period as part of the process.
The draft planning proposal can be viewed on the right of this page. Copies are also available at the following locations:
Council’sAdministration Building, Ground Floor Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong on weekdays between 9am and 5pm.
Libraries - Wollongong Central, Warrawong and Dapto Libraries during library hours.
Any comments should be addressed to: The General Manager Wollongong City Council Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
Enquiries can be directed to the Land Use Planning team on 02 4227 7631.Please quote PP-2014/1on your submission and note that submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request.
Council has a received a draft planning proposal for land between Bong Bong Road and Cleveland Road for residential development. The land forms part of Stage Three West Dapto Release Area and includes eleven (11) lots being:
Lot 1 DP 810104
Lot 2 DP 810104
Lot 3 DP 810104
Lot 1 DP 730326
Lot 2 DP 730326
Lot 59 DP 1125379
Lot 1 DP 156208
Lot 1 DP 532391
Lot 200 DP 803810
Lot 3 DP 532391
Lot 10 DP 235743
To assist Council in forming an opinion on the draft planning proposal, Council is notifying surrounding land owners and other stakeholders prior to reporting the draft planning proposal to a Council meeting later this year.
The draft planning proposal seeks to rezone 270ha of land between Bong Bong Road and Cleveland Road, West Dapto from RU2 Rural Landscape and E3 Environmental Management zones to a mix of residential zones and business zones including R2 Low Density Residential, R3 Medium Density Residential, B1 Neighbourhood Centre and E3 Environmental Management to support the future Bong Bong Town Centre. For further information including maps please refer to supporting report.
If Council resolves to progress the draft planning proposal there will be a formal community consultation period as part of the process.
The draft planning proposal can be viewed on the right of this page. Copies are also available at the following locations:
Council’sAdministration Building, Ground Floor Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong on weekdays between 9am and 5pm.
Libraries - Wollongong Central, Warrawong and Dapto Libraries during library hours.
Any comments should be addressed to: The General Manager Wollongong City Council Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
Enquiries can be directed to the Land Use Planning team on 02 4227 7631.Please quote PP-2014/1on your submission and note that submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request.