Community input
During the community engagement period, 11 December 2018 – 28 January 2019, Council sent letters to residents and property owners in the area inviting them to learn more about the work Council is planning to do to reduce flooding in Dumbrell Road and how to provide input. A Frequently Asked Questions sheet, concept drawing and hardcopy feedback form were also included with the letter. Emails were sent to the Bulli Community Centre Board, Bulli Football Club, Balls Paddock Children’s Centre and NSW Fire & Rescue Zone Office Metropolitan South 1 – Illawarra. The information was also sent to Council’s Customer Service Centre, Thirroul Library and the local Member of Parliament.
This webpage was created which included all the information and an online feedback form. The community were invited to have their say via this webpage, Council's Customer Service Centre and Thirroul Library.
Bulli Football Club made an open submission during the engagement period. They do not think the projects will impact their activities, as they do not use Gordon Hutton Park for games or training. No other submissions were received.
Consultation has concluded