Council to decide on preferred option next week

A report is going to Council next Monday 18 October. It recommends that Council determine the preferred option to acknowledge the achievements of Emma McKeon.
In the second engagement phase, the community was invited to provide local knowledge for consideration in the final decision. It was also an opportunity to gauge community sentiment. We used social media, direct email and the Register of Interest (Sport) to promote the opportunity. More than 70 people provided feedback.
Option A - Naming the North Beach Promenade and Terraces
Feedback regarding Option A suggested the location provides a connection to Emma’s love of the beach and water. People thought the area’s high visitation would allow greater exposure to Emma's achievements. It was suggested the location will be more accessible. Comments were also received suggesting the location should instead be used to honour someone involved with surf lifesaving or surfing.
Option B - Naming the Cliff Road viewing platform overlooking the harbour and Continental Pools
Feedback regarding Option B suggested the location provides a space for people to meet, relax and read about Emma without distractions. It was suggested this reflects Emma’s style, ‘contemplative, serene and reflective’. It was also suggested naming may interfere with the cultural heritage linked to Cliff Road and the remnants underneath the viewing platform.
Councillors will decide on their preferred option at the meeting on Monday. The Agenda and Business Paper are published on Council’s website. If you're interested in seeing Council's decision-making processes in action, you can watch the meeting online from 6pm at
Consultation has concluded