A listing on Council’s “Have Your Say” webpage.
Information material including a Feedback Form placed at Council’s Customer Service Centre and in the City Library.
Postal notification of the proposal to residents adjacent the study area that will also include information material.
Advertisements in the Advertiser.
A media release and social media updates.
Council’s website, www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au,
Council’sCustomer Service Centre
The City Library
What area does the Master Plan apply to?
The site covered by the Master Plan is located approximately 2km from Wollongong’s CBD, and is flanked by parks and reserves. The site covers an area of approximately 17.5 hectares, and extends from Wisemans Park on the east, then west along the former Keira Mine tramway track, and then south west to the F6 near Mt Keira Road as shown in the Study Area Map.
Why is Council doing a Master Plan?
Further to community interest in the reserve, and the preparation of a detailed Site Analysis Plan in 2013, Council agreed to develop a Master Plan for the subject site.
The completion of the Master Plan will identify opportunities for: improving access and connectivity to the site; enhancing and protecting natural and cultural heritage elements; identifying possible community activity sites; and considering stormwater management requirements. It will also assist in identifying any funding that may be required to undertake any new works.
What are some of the key features within the area of the Master Plan
The study area is a unique strip of land and includes: a creek habitat; natural remnant forests including endangered ecological communities; many magnificent trees; grassed open areas; a storm-water detention structure; sporting facilities; tennis courts; and a public playground. The site also has historical significance as the former Mount Keira Tramway was located along a section of the study area. The old sandstone fountain in Wiseman’s Park is listed as a heritage item. For details of the existing attributes and constraints along the corridor, refer to the “Site Analysis Report”.
What is the key outcome being sought from the Master Plan?
Funding has already been allocated for the replacement of the amenities building in Wiseman Park, together with a pathway connection from Greenacre Road and Acacia Avenue. The Plan will explore other opportunities to improve connectivity within the reserve for pedestrians and cyclists; identify sites for possible fitness stations and playgrounds; and recommend general improvements to the environment.
What is the community engagement process for Master Plan?
Council’s engagement process seeks to involve the community in the design of the Fairy Creek Master Plan by inviting local stories that will inform the design process. A comprehensive community engagement process will be conducted from 30 April and now extended to 8 June 2018, and will include:
Will there be a Kiosk so that we can meet with Council officers to discuss the proposal?
Yes. An Information Kiosk will be held in Wiseman’s Park on 12 May 2018 from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Council staff will also facilitate a walk along part of the corridor covered by the Master Plan - to register for the walk contact Council's Engagement Team on (02) 4227 7111 or at engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
Where can I get more information about the Master Plan?
Further information on this proposal can be obtained by contacting Council’s Community Engagement Team at:
Phone: (02) 4227 7111
Fax: (02) 4227 7580
Council Reference:Z18/68266
How can I have my say about the Master Plan?
The easiest way to provide your feedback on the proposed Fairy Creek Master Plan is to complete a Council Feedback Form, which is available at: