Securing Our Future
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Consultation has concluded

Engagement has closed.
Thank you for your interest in the Securing our future engagement. After considering a report detailing the options for Securing our Future and community feedback, Council voted on the issue at its council meeting on 17 February 2014. You can view the minutes of the meeting and the full report to council at our website or by clicking here.
At that meeting Councillors voted on options to Secure our Future.
The resolution of Council included:
- A minimum $4.5 million target for efficiencies;
- $1.5 million in service level adjustments;
- A minimum $500,000 in increased fees and chargesContinue reading

Engagement has closed.
Thank you for your interest in the Securing our future engagement. After considering a report detailing the options for Securing our Future and community feedback, Council voted on the issue at its council meeting on 17 February 2014. You can view the minutes of the meeting and the full report to council at our website or by clicking here.
At that meeting Councillors voted on options to Secure our Future.
The resolution of Council included:
- A minimum $4.5 million target for efficiencies;
- $1.5 million in service level adjustments;
- A minimum $500,000 in increased fees and charges; and
- A Special Rate Variation for an increase in ‘General Revenue’ and minimum rate amounts. The increase in ‘General Revenue’ will provide additional revenue of approximately $14.5 million. (6.13% in 2014-15, 6.23% in 2015-16 and 6.24% in 2016-2017)
Council has submitted an application to IPART for a Special Rate Variation. You can view the application and supporting documents on the right of this page, or you can view the documents online and make submissions to the IPART website by clicking here.
Our draft Annual Plan and Budget for 2014-2015 will be prepared to reflect that option and go on exhibition in April/May. IPART will announce its decision on rate rises in June. Also in June Council will endorse the draft Annual Plan and Budget taking into consideration all community feedback.