Addressing Safety and Community Concerns
There are over 400 residential lots that feed vehicles through Tern Place into Flagstaff Road. This can cause significant wait times and risk to safety.
To address these issues Council is proposing to install a roundabout at the intersection.
What are the details?
The preferred option is a single lane roundabout with pedestrian refuge islands on the 3 wide approaches. The roundabout will ensure better traffic movement at the intersection and improve safety.
As a single lane roundabout, the design will focus on pedestrian safety including pedestrian refuges and measures to reduce vehicle approach speeds.
Options to revegetate the large redundant section of the Tern Place leg will also be investigated.
Other considerations
The design for the roundabout will consider things such as available space, underground services and lighting near the intersection.
Crash history, pedestrian and bicycle movement, vehicle capacity, spatial constraints, visibility, street alignment, auxiliary lanes and vehicle paths were considered in proposing a roundabout as a solution.
How will I be affected by the work?
It is possible that construction can commence in the second half of 2020. The works will take approximately12 weeks to complete, depending on weather.
Traffic management of vehicles and pedestrians will be required during the construction process.