What's being proposed?
Wollongong City Council is proposing to construct a pedestrian footpath along Huxley Drive from the roundabout on Horsley Drive to the existing pathway in Karrara Park.
What are the details of the footpath design?
Due to funding constraints, a footpath can only be constructed on one side of the road. As such, two designs have been prepared, one for each side of Huxley Drive. Residents are being asked to indicate their preference for which side of Huxley Drive the footpath should be constructed on and to provide feedback on the proposal.
Option 1: Western Side
Street lighting on same side as pathway improving safety at night
Path is entirely on one side of the road – no mid-block crossing required
Less expensive than Option 2 as specific mid-block pedestrian crossing not required
No kerbside parking loss for residents
No crossing of Huxley Drive required at roundabout when travelling to/from the north along Horsley Drive
Directly services two bus stops on the west side of Huxley Drive
Need to cross Huxley Drive at roundabout when travelling to/from the south on HorsleyDrive
Need to cross on two sections of the roundabout for access to/from Homestead Drive footpath
Option 2: Eastern Side
Only have to cross at roundabout once to access Homestead Drive footpath
Don’t need to cross Huxley Drive at roundabout for access to/from the south on Horsley Drive
Directly services one bus stop on the east side and one bus stop on the west side of Huxley Drive
Street lighting generally situated on the opposite side of road, reduce personal safety
Need to cross Huxley Drive mid-block due to sight line issues at Karrara Park
More expensive than Option 1 due to requirement for dedicated pedestrian crossing facility
Some kerbside parking will be removed on either side of the pedestrian crossing facility
Need to cross Huxley Drive at the roundabout when travelling to/from the north on Horsley Drive
Why is Council suggesting a footpath?
Council is seeking to improve pedestrian safety and access to the area. Access to Karrara Park, Huxley Drive will also improve. Additionally, the footpath design has taken into consideration preservation of trees, existing community usage, and location of transport services. Finally, the footpath will help to improve connectivity to existing and proposed pathways.
How long will the project take?
The work is scheduled to occur in the 2014-2015 financial year and will be completed as quickly as possible to ensure minimal disruption to the community.
How will I be affected during the works?
Parking along the side of the street that the footpath is to be constructed on may be restrictedwhile the construction is underway, but every effort will be made to keep this inconvenience to a minimum.
Provisions will be made to allow residents and their visitors to access their properties. Traffic control may be required along Huxley Drive during construction.
What if I have more questions?
If you would like to talk to a Council Officer about this proposal consider attending the on-site information kiosk, on Wednesday, 4 February between 5.30-7pm. Council officers will be available to talk about the proposal on the corner of Horsley Drive and Huxley Drive.
For further information, please call 4227 7111 or email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link).
How will Council make a decision about which option to implement?
Council will review the community feedback and take into consideration pedestrian safety, costing of the options and design factors.
Following Council’s consideration of the feedback, residents in the immediate area will be advised by letter of the final plan for the footpath and the schedule for the commencement of work.
How can I have my say?
The easiest way to provide feedback on the proposal is to let us know whether you support Option 1 or Option 2, and why in the space provided here on this webpage. If you don't support either of these options, please also let us know why and what you think should be done instead.