- An overview Masterplan that establishes a unified design approach,
- Development of typical design solutions to provide for adequate width and separation from vehicles for pedestrians and cyclists,
- Promotional material for community consultation, signage, and communication with government authorities,
- The definition of proposed upgrade works along the route such as seating, viewing areas and signage.
- Berkeley Community Centre Park on Saturday 14 December 2013, 4.30 to 6.30pm
- Stanwell Park Country Women’s Association, date TBC (see website for updates)
- Australia Day Aquathon, Cliff Road Wollongong on Sunday 26 January 2014, 7am – 9am
What is the Grand Pacific Walk?
The Grand Pacific Walk is a proposed project that will connect existing paths and fill in missing links along the coastline to create a 60km sharepath from the Royal National Park to Lake Illawarra. It will provide pedestrians and cyclists with safer access to our beautiful natural coastline, heritage sites and local attractions. The concept for the Grand Pacific Walk has grown from aspirations expressed by community and Councillors as part of the Wollongong 2022 consultation process. The sharepath will encourage healthier lifestyles, provide safe and environmentally sustainable transport routes, improve facilities for locals and tourists and form connections between communities. The community was engaged on their vision for the Grand Pacific Walk in early 2013. The ideas gathered from the community have been collated and fed into the draft Masterplan and Stage One (Coalcliff to Stanwell Park) Concept Plan, which are on exhibition from 25 November 2013 – 10 February 2014.
When will the Grand Pacific Walk be built?
A considerable amount of sharepath already exists along the coastline, and the aim of the Grand Pacific Walk is to join these separate pieces. Council is prioritising areas that currently have no pathway, so will start work on Stage One, from Coalcliff to Stanwell Park. Council has developed a draft Masterplan and Stage One Concept Plan which were presented at the 28 October 2013 Council meeting and endorsed for public exhibition. The Grand Pacific Walk is in conceptual and design stages, but detailed design has been undertaken for some priority areas due to safety. The Paterson Road pathway was completed at the end of the last financial year. The Coalcliff train station pedestrian refuge and Stoney Creek Shareway Bridge at Coalcliff are planned to be constructed in the 2013/14 financial year. Further works depend on funding availability.
How will the Grand Pacific Walk be funded?
Wollongong City Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery OAM has recently announced that Stage One (Coalcliff to Stanwell Park) of Grand Pacific Walk has been allocated $5 million through the NSW State Government’s Restart Illawarra Program. Council has allocated $250,000 for this financial year (2013-2014) and a further $3,630,000 which will be spread over the next four budget cycles (2013/14-2016/17). These funds will be used to finalise the Masterplan and begin works on Stage One (Coalcliff to Stanwell Park), in addition to the funding received from Restart Illawarra. Any further works are dependent on securing grant funding. To achieve our goal of improving connectivity in our City as well as encouraging tourism and healthier lifestyles, Council will continue to seek financial support from the NSW Government in addition to the budget mentioned above. Council will also apply for funding under a number of programs to complete this important initiative.
What is the Grand Pacific Walk draft Masterplan?
The draft Masterplan is a document to guide the progress of the
Grand Pacific Walk and can be viewed at www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/grandpacificwalk. The objectives of the Masterplan are to provide:
What is the Stage One (Coalcliff to Stanwell Park) Concept Plan?
The Stage One Concept Plan covers the section of proposed sharepath from Station Street Stanwell Park to Paterson Road Coalcliff and can
also be viewed at the council website. The existing constraints on this segment include steep topography, geotechnical instability,
and constrained level land within the road reserve. As a result most of this segment of the route has no provision for pedestrians and cyclists. For this reason, provision of safe access in this part of the route is considered the highest priority by Council. A detailed costed Concept Plan has been completed from Stoney Creek Bridge Coalcliff to Station Street in Stanwell Park showing a new shareway alignment on the eastern side of Lawrence Hargrave Drive. This includes sections of on ground shareway, elevated portions, on street linemarking, and a new connection from the southern end of Lower Coast Road to Lawrence Hargrave Drive.
What is happening with Stoney Creek Bridge?
Stoney Creek Shareway Bridge is a priority area for the Grand Pacific Walk as it is a safety concern for all road users. Works to add a separate sharepath bridge are planned to be completed this financial year. The works are expected to begin in March 2014 and take approximately 18 weeks.
What is happening with the Coalcliff Station Precinct upgrade?
The provision of safe pedestrian and cyclist access in the area of Coalcliff Station is particularly challenging due to the constraints of the topography and width of the road reserve. There is a need for safer pedestrian crossing facilities, a new bus bay, and adequate width for the GPW shareway alignment on the east side of Lawrence Hargrave Drive.The Roads and Maritime Services is part funding this proposal and the project is programmed to proceed in the current financial year with their assistance.
What happens next?
The Grand Pacific Walk draft Masterplan and Stage One Concept Plans will be on exhibition until 10 February 2014. Feedback from the community will be collated and developed into a report that will go to a Council meeting later this financial year.
How can I have my say?
You can have your say by visiting http://haveyoursaywollongong.com.au/projects/grand-pacific-walk and completing the quickpoll and online survey and participating in the discussion forum. You can also send us a paper Community Feedback Form or write us a letter or email. Completed feedback forms can be emailed to engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au, returned via the reply paid envelope or dropped into Council’s Customer Service Centre at 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong.
Council will be holding a number of kiosks where you can speak to Council staff about the Grand Pacific Walk Masterplan. The kiosks
will be held at: