Options for Helensburgh Cemetery Entrance
Consultation has concluded
Helensburgh Cemetery's vehicle entrance is damaged and we need your input to decide its future. Our goal is to ensure that Helensburgh Cemetery remains a respectful and accessible place for all.
The cemetery’s vehicle entrance portico was damaged in 2021 by an oversized vehicle, making it unusable. A portico is a structure with a roof supported by columns, often used as a porch or entranceway. In the context of Helensburgh Cemetery, the portico serves as a functional entryway for vehicles. It has been fenced off since it was damaged.
We've been exploring options to repair or remove the portico and want your input. Together, we can find a way forward that respects our community's values, meets our future needs and ensures the cemetery remains a place of pride for all residents. Once we know which option is preferred by the community, we’ll then apply for the required archaeological and heritage approvals for it.
Portico entrance before it was damaged

Exploring our options
Option A: Remove/demolish the portico entirely
- Potential benefits:
- Reconstruction of the sealed access road for improved vehicle entry and exit.
- Provides an opportunity to design a new entrance that meets current safety and access standards.
- Entrance gates would be reinstated and link to the new plantings along Cemetery Road.
- Could be completed sooner than Option B due to some of the initial investigations, e.g. heritage impact, having already been completed.
- Least expensive option ($235K)
- Potential challenges:
- May upset some community members who want it kept and repaired.
Option B: Repair the existing portico and construct new access road
- Potential benefits:
- Restores the damaged portico to its original 1960's condition.
- Lower immediate impact, with minimal changes to the current layout and appearance.
- Likely to be favoured by those who value preserving the existing structure.
- Potential challenges:
- Requires construction of one new access road on the western side of the portico so that oversized vehicles can access the site for maintenance.
- May involve technical challenges and is more expensive (approximately $280K) due to the need for specialised restoration work and construction of the new access road.
- Construction of a new road could uncover archaeological issues, such as unidentified grave sites.
- We’d need to obtain land ownership consent.
- Requires the removal of a tree and some vegetation.
- The new access road will come close to existing graves on the western side of the portico.
- May remain vulnerable to future damage.
- Could take longer to complete than Option A due to the investigations and approvals required.
Both options need to go through a Development Application process and involve putting in a sealed parking area and heritage interpretative signs about the existing portico. Each option requires archaeological and heritage approvals, which may impact the final outcome.
Find out more
- Have a look at the draft concept designs for each option.
- Read the Heritage Impact Statement completed for option A (demolish/remove).
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions, which includes information about the project background and the potential benefits and challenges of each option.
Your voice counts: how you can get involved
Help decide which direction we should take for Helensburgh Cemetery’s entrance by letting us know which option you prefer. We welcome your thoughts regarding each. If you haven't already, please register on this site or log in and then you can participate in one of the following:
- The quickest way to let us know your preference is via the quick poll.
- If you have additional comments for us to consider, take the survey as well.
Prefer a printed copy? Visit Helensburgh Library to view printed copies of the draft plans and complete a paper survey. We’ve left reply-paid envelopes with the surveys, so you don’t have to pay for postage.
If none of those work for you, you can also:
- Email us at engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au
- Write to us at Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500
- Call us on 4227 7111
Let's Chat Helensburgh! Council is currently working on several projects for the Helensburgh community. We recently announced the location for the new Community Centre & Library and have an update on the ongoing flood recovery works on Tunnel Road.
Drop by the Council marquees we’ll have set up in Charles Harper Park on:
Next steps
We want to hear all perspectives to find the best path forward. Community feedback, along with the heritage and environmental approvals process, will be used to decide which option we go with. Once a decision has been made, we’ll share the outcome with all who made a submission. The selected option will be carried out and we’ll provide the community with an update to keep people informed of the progress.
Accessibility and language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.
Join the conversation
Share your feedback with us by Monday 16 September 2024. Submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council’s Privacy Notification before submitting your feedback.