- Flattening the road to remove the steep grades and make it easier to park vehicles and access the footpath.
- An upgrade to the existing raised pedestrian crossing near Coles.
- A widened footpath to improved pedestrian safety on the corner of Short and Walker Streets.
- A new footpath along the western side of Walker Street.
- A new raised crossing on the southern end of Walker Street.
- A new roundabout on the Lilyvale Street intersection.
- Hessian and boards will be placed around the tree trunks to protect them from mechanical damage.
- The tree roots behind the existing kerb and gutter will be trimmed by a qualified Arborist.
- Once the tree roots are trimmed, there will be protective material installed to ensure the roots do not dry out.
- There will be qualified Arborists on site to supervise the demolition of the existing kerb and gutter, and the construction of the new footpath, kerb and gutter.
- The soil under the trees will be improved to enhance the trees’ health.
What will the Stage 2 works include?
Stage 2 will focus on improving the safety and accessibility of Walker Street. The works will build on what we’ve already completed in Parkes Street. The Stage 2 upgrades will include:
What will the Stage 3 works include?
Stage 3 will upgrade the Western Terrace and the stairs. The Western Terrace is the area on the south western corner of Walker and Parkes Streets. We’ll replace the existing ramp that connects the crossing at Coles to the shops on the western side of Walker Street. A new set of stairs will go in and we’ll provide a new accessible ramp and stairs next to the Western Terrace.
When will these works take place?
The Stage 2 works are planned for the first quarter of 2022, after the summer holidays. The Stage 3 works will be carried out later in 2022.
Will all the Memorial Trees be retained?
Yes. All the existing trees along Walker Street will be retained and protected. As part of the Stage 2 works, we’ll need to remove some of the tree roots under arborist supervision so we can build the new footpath.
We’ll also prune the lowest branches to improve lines of sight to and from Walker Street. This will also allow more sunlight to come through onto the western side of the street.
How will we protect the trees?
To make sure we’re protecting the long-term health of the trees, we’ve carried out detailed arboricultural investigations. The soil under the trees will be improved to enhance the trees’ health.
Before construction:
During construction:
Will the existing sandstone kerb on the corner of Short and Walker Street be retained?
Yes. Our plan is to lift and reuse the sandstone kerb if it’s in good condition.
What will the new footpaths be built from?
We’ve considered accessibility needs, slip-resistance and attractiveness when designing the new footpaths. Most of the new footpaths will be constructed out of concrete with a high-quality surface finish. This will mean the new footpaths will complement the existing infrastructure.
Can the steep sides to the road be flattened?
Our community shared their concerns that the parking lanes on the sides of Walker Street are very steep and cause problems for cars parked next to the kerb. To prevent car doors hitting the footpath, people often park away from the kerb and close to the travel lanes.
To fix this, we’ll excavate and rebuild the road. The flattened road will allow cars to park close to the kerb and away from the travel lanes making parking easier and safer.
Will the east side footpath of Walker Street be upgraded?
During Stage 2, a section of pavement on the eastern side of Walker Street will be upgraded near the Coles pedestrian crossing. Any other sections on the eastern footpath in bad condition will be fixed to make the area safe. The remaining section of the eastern footpath will be left in place for now, as we decide where the future Helensburgh Library and Community Centre will go.
How will the works impact the Town Centre?
Pedestrians will be able to access to all premises during the road works. We plan to minimise disruption by managing a combination of day and afternoon shifts that work with our community needs.
The road will be constructed in sections so that access to Short Street will be available. Traffic control and some detours will be in place for the duration of the works. The works will take around eight (8) weeks, weather permitting.
How will parking be affected during the construction?
There will be no parking in sections of Walker Street during the construction. We plan to locate our machinery and equipment on the vacant lot on Walker Lane to minimize disruption to parking. Access to Short Street and the Coles car park will still be available during the construction.
Will the new roundabout and raised crossing affect parking spaces?
We know that safety and accessibility within the town centre is a high priority for our community.
The new roundabout and crossing will reduce vehicle speeds and provide a new safe pedestrian link from Walker Street to the Helensburgh Community Preschool, and from the Library site to the Community Centre.
The location of the raised crossing, the roundabout and new line marking will mean the loss of five (5) car spaces on the southern end of Walker Street.
Will there be major changes to parking?
There will be some minor changes once Stages 2 and 3 are complete. There will be a new mobility space and loading zone adjacent to the Western Terrace (Stage 3) and a total loss of five (5) parking spaces with the new roundabout and raised crossing going in
Will the location of the new roundabout affect the current or future entry point for the existing Library site?
The roundabout design allows enough room for the current entry to operate with flexibility for any possible future entry points to the site.
Why have we narrowed the Short Street entrance? Will semi-trailer trucks be able to access Short Street if the road is narrowed?
We’ve narrowed the Short Street to improve sight lines and give pedestrians priority. This will make it safer for pedestrians and vehicles.
Short Street is an important link to the Coles car park and loading area for trucks and residents. We’ve considered this in our design to allow enough room for trucks to pass through.
Will the works impact stormwater?
To complete the design, extensive stormwater modelling was conducted to ensure the works comply with our Development Control Plan. The works will not increase existing flood risks.