- new accessible paths of travel and safer crossing points on Parkes, Walker and Short Streets
- new road alignments and traffic calming elements to create a slower vehicle speeds
- landscaped areas that acknowledge the bushland setting and country village feel of Helensburgh
- possible shared path locations
- improved street furniture
- locations for public art and heritage interpretation
What is the streetscape masterplan?
The Streetscape Masterplan is a long-term, comprehensive design strategy that articulates the community's vision for the Helensburgh Town Centre by guiding infrastructure improvements and renewal.
What's included in the plan?
The plan includes all the elements planned for the public domain including:
Viewing the draft Plan you will see 9 Objectives and 25 Key Opportunities outlined on the concept drawing with explanation down the side. These Objectives and Key Opportunities were created from the community engagement undertaken in 2019.
Where did the ideas for the plan come from?
A draft Town Centre Plan was created based on the feedback expressed in the comprehensive consultation undertaken in 2019. The Streetscape Masterplan is guided by and expresses the community's vision from the Draft Town Centre Plan.
What is the budget for the upgrading of the streetscape?
The budget is $1.8 million for the town centre, comprised of contributions from Council, Resources to Recovery grant funding from the NSW government and Metropolitan Collieries Pty Ltd.
When will we see the masterplan implemented?
We are planning to commence works in 2021.
What happens to my comments?
All the feedback we receive will be read and used to make refinements to the Streetscape Masterplan, before it is reported to Council for endorsement.
What are the next steps in the process?
Once Council endorses the Masterplan we will commence the design plans for construction of the first stage of works.