Read the information about the strategy at your local council library
Go online, read about the strategy and complete the online survey.
This is your opportunity to tell us about your needs, aspirations and vision for cycling in Wollongong.
Why do we need an updated Cycling Strategy?
We are asking the community to help us create a Cycling Strategy that improves on the work of the Bike Plan 2014-2018. The original Bike Plan has guided us in delivering more than $20M in cycleways, shared paths and related projects, adding to over 120km of cycleways, shared paths and cycling end of trip facilities.
This Plan is now due for review and we want to find out the community’s view on cycling in Wollongong.
This new Strategy will include how we plan for and deliver better and safer cycling-related facilities that encourages everyone in our community to ride.
We want to inspire more people to cycle, both to improve the uptake of healthy lifestyles and improve our environment by reducing the time spent in cars.
The strategy is needed to continue to develop Wollongong into a cycle friendly city and improve the safety and convenience for cyclists who ride within the LGA.
What is the aim of the Cycling Strategy?
benefits for our community with improvements in the environment, tourism, transport system and our economy.
The strategy will also guide our planning for events, education campaigns and learn to cycle programs.
We will also be reviewing our cycleways and related infrastructure priorities as part of the Strategy’s development.
Who can make comments on the Cycling Strategy?
Anyone can comment and provide feedback. The Cycling Strategy is for everyone, whether you do or don’t cycle or would like to, either as a resident or as a visitor to our area. It is for children and families, young people, older people, women, people who cycle to work and education, cycle for recreation and for those who are serious about their cycling. Your thoughts will help create the Wollongong Cycling Strategy 2030 which will provide a clear vision for us to aim towards.
What if I don’t cycle?
A recent national survey showed that many of our residents aren’t interested in cycling, we want to hear from you as to why that is and what would get you to ride safely on roads and pathways.
This research also shows a decrease in cycling participation after the age of 16, so we are interested to hear from young people (17-24) as to why they no may longer cycle.
How can I find out more about the strategy?
To find out more about the strategy visit one of the Council information stands near you:
Saturday 16 November 2019
North Beach Bathers Pavilion, North Wollongong
The information stand will be on the grassed area.
Drop by anytime between: 8.30 – 10.30am
Bulli Beach - near the Surf Club
Drop by between: 12 noon to 2pm
Saturday 23 November 2019
Port Kembla Pool
The information stand will be at the pool entrance.
Drop by anytime between: 8.30 -10.30am
What if I can’t attend the information stands?
There are other ways you can find out more about the Strategy and join the conversation. You can also:
How will my feedback be used?
At the end of the engagement period all feedback is read and considered. We will then prepare a draft strategy which will go on public exhibition in April 2020. You will be invited to comment on the draft.