Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Concept Plan - Mount Kembla

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We’re continuing to
work with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to explore the development of mountain bike trails and associated infrastructure on the Illawarra Escarpment.

This work builds on the draft Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Strategy, which was on public exhibition in late 2018. In response to feedback from the first phase of community engagement, NPWS worked with Synergy Trails to update the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Concept Plan for a trail network between Mount Kembla and Mount Keira.

To inform the ongoing development of the concept plan, Council and NPWS undertook targeted engagement to collect community feedback, focusing on local impacts in Mt Kembla Village and Kembla Heights.

Face-to-face and online information sessions were held with local residents in March 2021. A summary of community feedback is available in the document library on this page.

Sep 2022 update - NPWS Public Exhibition

The Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Project: draft review of environmental factors (draft REF) public exhibition period ended on 18 July 2022. A submissions report is being prepared and amendments made to the draft REF before submission for independent approval.

Planning for stage two of the network, in the Balgownie area, is continuing and the draft REF will be publicly exhibited when completed.

The Mount Kembla area and Balgownie networks will then inform the amendments to finalise the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Strategy. The strategy will also include an operating framework model.

The operating framework will consider how all parties can continue to work together to address public risk, rehabilitate trails outside of the authorised network and conduct ongoing maintenance.

We’re continuing to
work with the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to explore the development of mountain bike trails and associated infrastructure on the Illawarra Escarpment.

This work builds on the draft Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Strategy, which was on public exhibition in late 2018. In response to feedback from the first phase of community engagement, NPWS worked with Synergy Trails to update the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Concept Plan for a trail network between Mount Kembla and Mount Keira.

To inform the ongoing development of the concept plan, Council and NPWS undertook targeted engagement to collect community feedback, focusing on local impacts in Mt Kembla Village and Kembla Heights.

Face-to-face and online information sessions were held with local residents in March 2021. A summary of community feedback is available in the document library on this page.

Sep 2022 update - NPWS Public Exhibition

The Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Project: draft review of environmental factors (draft REF) public exhibition period ended on 18 July 2022. A submissions report is being prepared and amendments made to the draft REF before submission for independent approval.

Planning for stage two of the network, in the Balgownie area, is continuing and the draft REF will be publicly exhibited when completed.

The Mount Kembla area and Balgownie networks will then inform the amendments to finalise the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Strategy. The strategy will also include an operating framework model.

The operating framework will consider how all parties can continue to work together to address public risk, rehabilitate trails outside of the authorised network and conduct ongoing maintenance.

  • Illawarra Mountain Bike Network tracking along

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    NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is inviting the Illawarra and mountain biking community to have their say on the second stage of the planned Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Network.

    Read the NPWS media release to find out more, then view the REF and have your say before 26 May 2023 by visiting the NSW Environment website or emailing

  • Update and next steps - February 2023

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    Following community engagement in 2021, Council and National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) continued to work on developing the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike (MTB) Concept plan. This process has been taken longer than originally expected with complex land ownership, social, cultural and environmental and community factors all being highly important in developing the plans.

    In mid-late 2022, NPWS sought feedback on the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the trail network. The REF was then finalised in late 2022, and the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain BIke Strategy was also adopted.

    Next steps for the MTB Concept plan

    NPWS aim for trail network construction to be done in stages, with the first stage starting in early 2023.

    With the REF and Illawarra Escarpment Mountain BIke Strategy now finalised, Council is putting the final touches on an updated MTB Concept Plan. Concept planning is being staged to align with the construction of the network, and Council will seek community feedback prior to any work commencing.

    The updated draft MTB Concept Plan and REF is planned to be shared for community comment in early 2023. Feedback during this period will be used to make decisions on the MTB Concept Plan, prior to it being finalised.

    A community update was sent out to local residents in early February, 2023.

    Past updates and activities

    2018 – First community engagement on the Illawarra Escarpment MTB Strategy and Concept plan

    2019 to 2020 – updating the concept plan and working with stakeholders via MTB Advisory Group

    February 2021 – targeted community engagement with Mt Kembla and Kembla Heights community

    July 2021 – MTB Concept plan update - Assessments and funding

    December 2022 - NPWS Review of Environmental Factors (REF) finalised

  • Community Engagement - March 2021

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    In March 2021 we spoke with local residents from Mount Kembla and Kembla Village about the Draft Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Concept Plan. We held face to face information sessions at Kembla Heights Bowling Club and an online information session to share ideas and hear feedback regarding the draft plan. A summary of what we heard can be found in the document library on this page.

    This work builds on the draft Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Strategy(External link), which was on public exhibition in late 2018. The draft strategy focused on providing safe sustainable recreation for a broad range of riders and the prevention and removal of informal trails across the escarpment.

    Community feedback from the public exhibition and input of the Illawarra Escarpment Mountain Bike Advisory Group is being used to explore potential options between Mt Kembla and Mt Keira. The emphasis is on creating safe, sustainable recreation that minimises negative impacts on residents and landowners.

Page last updated: 02 Feb 2025, 11:23 AM