Who submitted the naming application?
Kembla Grange Estate Pty Ltd has formally requested Council to name three public reserves currently being constructed within the emerging Kembla Grange residential area. The proposed names are:
• Stane Dyke Park
• McPhail Reserve
• Mogomorra Park
What is the origin of these names?
significance behind the name Stane Dyke Park comes from the Stane Dyke
Homestead which is a heritage site located nearby. Stane, in old English means stone, which was
the material the homestead was created from.
The McPhail family were the last land owners and residents of Stane Dyke Homestead.
The proposed named recognises the family name and its association with the
The name Mogomorra was suggested by Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council. This name is a local Aboriginal word for Kembla Grange which was referenced in a book by Michael K. Organ called “Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines, 1770 -1900”. The proposed naming of this reserve – as Mogomorra would recognise and acknowledge cultural, natural and heritage connections with the site.
Has there been any support for the naming proposal?
As part of their naming application Kembla Grange Estate provided letters of support from:
• Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council for the Mogomorra proposal
• McPhail Family for the McPhail Reserve proposal
Why do people want to name parks?
What names will Council consider?
Council follows the guidelines of the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) for assigning names. We consider names based on the following:
· Names of Aboriginal origin and indigenous significance to the local area
· Botanical reference native to the area
· Historical or cultural significance to the local area
· Geographical relevance of the immediate area
· A person’s name
· A group – charitable, social/cultural community
If a person’s name is proposed, it must be made posthumously (more than 3 years after their death) and meet the following requirements:
· The person gave more than 20 years’ service to the Wollongong region
· Must relate to the place of residence or area of service
· They were of good repute and not likely to be the subject of controversy
· They made a significant contribution to the Wollongong region which has been formally recognised
How is the decision made by Council on whether the proposed name is endorsed?
A report on community feedback is prepared and then considered by Council. If Council decides to support the proposed names, it endorses a submission to the Geographical Names Board. The Geographical Names Board then make the final decision.
What is the Geographical Names Board process?
Council sends a submission to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) with an application to use the proposed name. Applications are added to GNB Board meeting agendas, which are prepared two weeks in advance of meetings.
If the Board approves the public exhibition of the naming proposal, it is advertised by the GNB for public comment for one month. If no objections are received during the exhibition period, Council is notified and the name is officially assigned in the NSW Government Gazette. It may take approximately 6 – 8 weeks for the Geographical Names Board to formally gazette the name