Managing Flood Risk in the Collins Creek Catchment

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Consultation has concluded

Darragh Drive, Figtree experiencing peak stage flood in October 1999

We’ve completed several studies to assess the flood risk within the Collins Creek Catchment. The risks are to people, property, infrastructure (e.g. roads and stormwater pipes) and assets (e.g. public parks and recreation areas). We’re now working on a Floodplain Risk Management Plan to look at ways to manage flood risk.

Measures used for managing flood risk
These measures might include groundworks in the catchment (e.g. drainage improvements and levees) to protect existing development and assets. We also consider using development controls and planning measures to reduce the risk of flooding to future development in the catchment. In addition, evacuation and emergency response planning will also be part of our approach to managing flood risk.

We’re asking the community to be involved in this flood risk management planning. We’d like to know where you think we should be focusing our efforts to protect existing homes, businesses, roads and other assets from flooding. We’d like you to be part of planning for flood-safe development into the future. We’ll work alongside the community and the State Emergency Service (NSW SES) so we can all respond to flooding in a coordinated, efficient and practical way.

Previous Community Input
The community has provided valuable input to previous flood investigations within the Collins Creek catchment. In 2014, they shared feedback with us as part of the previous Collins Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study. They provided accounts of their observations of previous flooding and shared feedback on the flood mapping through an online survey and community drop-in session. This input helped us to assess the suitability of a range of flood management measures for the catchment.

Flood risk management measures for the Collins Creek catchment
Using the previous flood investigations and input from the community, we’ve assessed a range of flood management measures for their suitability in reducing flood risk in the Collins Creek catchment. These include engineering works, vegetation management, development controls, planning measures and emergency response arrangements. All options to mitigate risks have been developed through analysis and investigation and will require further planning to inform future infrastructure delivery programs. These are some examples of each of these measures:

Engineering structures

Debris control structuresImproving drainage

Property modifications (existing development)

Voluntary house purchase

House raising

Development controls (future development)

Minimum floor levels

Emergency response and community awareness

Flood warning signsFlood plan

Learn more and help with our planning
To find out more about the process for managing flood risk and how you can be involved in our planning:

Drop-in information session
At this session, we’ll have maps showing the location of the recommended measures for managing flood risk. The flood engineers who are working on the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for this catchment will be there to answer your questions, explain what is being planned and how the proposed measures will help manage flood risks. There is no presentation to start, so you can turn up at any time during the session.

Date: Wednesday 6 March 2024
Time: Drop in anytime between 3:30-6:30pm
Where: Bulli Senior Citizens Centre, 8 Hospital Rd, Bulli

Accessibility, mobility or language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service. If you would like to attend the information sessions and have accessibility or mobility requirements, please let us know how we can support your attendance. We can also arrange for an interpreter to come along to help residents who have difficulty communicating in English. To arrange support, please contact

Join the conversation
Share your feedback with the project team by 25 March 2024. Submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

We’ve completed several studies to assess the flood risk within the Collins Creek Catchment. The risks are to people, property, infrastructure (e.g. roads and stormwater pipes) and assets (e.g. public parks and recreation areas). We’re now working on a Floodplain Risk Management Plan to look at ways to manage flood risk.

Measures used for managing flood risk
These measures might include groundworks in the catchment (e.g. drainage improvements and levees) to protect existing development and assets. We also consider using development controls and planning measures to reduce the risk of flooding to future development in the catchment. In addition, evacuation and emergency response planning will also be part of our approach to managing flood risk.

We’re asking the community to be involved in this flood risk management planning. We’d like to know where you think we should be focusing our efforts to protect existing homes, businesses, roads and other assets from flooding. We’d like you to be part of planning for flood-safe development into the future. We’ll work alongside the community and the State Emergency Service (NSW SES) so we can all respond to flooding in a coordinated, efficient and practical way.

Previous Community Input
The community has provided valuable input to previous flood investigations within the Collins Creek catchment. In 2014, they shared feedback with us as part of the previous Collins Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study. They provided accounts of their observations of previous flooding and shared feedback on the flood mapping through an online survey and community drop-in session. This input helped us to assess the suitability of a range of flood management measures for the catchment.

Flood risk management measures for the Collins Creek catchment
Using the previous flood investigations and input from the community, we’ve assessed a range of flood management measures for their suitability in reducing flood risk in the Collins Creek catchment. These include engineering works, vegetation management, development controls, planning measures and emergency response arrangements. All options to mitigate risks have been developed through analysis and investigation and will require further planning to inform future infrastructure delivery programs. These are some examples of each of these measures:

Engineering structures

Debris control structuresImproving drainage

Property modifications (existing development)

Voluntary house purchase

House raising

Development controls (future development)

Minimum floor levels

Emergency response and community awareness

Flood warning signsFlood plan

Learn more and help with our planning
To find out more about the process for managing flood risk and how you can be involved in our planning:

Drop-in information session
At this session, we’ll have maps showing the location of the recommended measures for managing flood risk. The flood engineers who are working on the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for this catchment will be there to answer your questions, explain what is being planned and how the proposed measures will help manage flood risks. There is no presentation to start, so you can turn up at any time during the session.

Date: Wednesday 6 March 2024
Time: Drop in anytime between 3:30-6:30pm
Where: Bulli Senior Citizens Centre, 8 Hospital Rd, Bulli

Accessibility, mobility or language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service. If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service. If you would like to attend the information sessions and have accessibility or mobility requirements, please let us know how we can support your attendance. We can also arrange for an interpreter to come along to help residents who have difficulty communicating in English. To arrange support, please contact

Join the conversation
Share your feedback with the project team by 25 March 2024. Submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.

Consultation has concluded
  • Listening to our community: insights gathered during engagement

    Share Listening to our community: insights gathered during engagement on Facebook Share Listening to our community: insights gathered during engagement on Twitter Share Listening to our community: insights gathered during engagement on Linkedin Email Listening to our community: insights gathered during engagement link

    Thanks to all who participated in the Collins Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMSP) engagement process. We're pleased to share with you the engagement report, which summarises the insights and comments we received during the engagement period.

    We invited feedback on the draft FRMSP and heard from 209 respondents. We received 75 hardcopy surveys, 10 online submissions, 16 emails, six phone calls, and three in-person (verbal) submissions. Some provided photos with their submissions. We shared the information with local Aboriginal Traditional Custodians and knowledge holders and met with one individual who provided a verbal submission. We had conversations with 98 attendees at community information sessions. The project webpage had 553 unique views.

    What we heard

    Almost half of the respondents have lived, worked or visited in the Collins Creek catchment for more than 21 years and would remain at their house if a major flood occurred in their area. Most people said they’d look for information about road closures, evacuation notices and predicted flood levels during a flood event. Most would seek updates and information via local radio, followed by social media, TV, Council’s website and word of mouth. Respondents were asked to indicate their level of support for the following options for managing flood risk in the Collins Creek Catchment. Most respondents are strongly supportive of all options. Respondents were asked whether they had any other suggestions for managing flood risk in this catchment. They commonly spoke about the need for improved stormwater management, maintenance of waterways and drains, doubts about flood modelling accuracy and calls for community education and infrastructure improvements. Some provided photos, diagrams or videos with their submissions, to share their ideas, observations and experiences of flooding.

    Aboriginal stakeholder comment
    The Traditional Custodian / knowledge holder we spoke to indicated there are culturally important areas along the creek. They advised ongoing engagement with Aboriginal stakeholders is needed when developing plans that affect the creek and water flows, to prevent harm to these sites.

    Open submissions
    We received 25 open submissions from local resident/s and property owners. Two were very late, however they were still included in this report. Those with accompanying photographs, video and diagrams were provided in full to the team working on the FRMSP.

    Residents and property owners are actively engaged in advocating for:

    • Improved flood management measures
    • Addressing concerns about vegetation accumulation
    • Drainage infrastructure
    • Accurate property flood coding
    • The need for ongoing community consultation and involvement in decision-making processes.

    They want practical solutions to mitigate flood risks and protect their properties and community from the impacts of flooding. They expressed support for the recommended flood management options, but also suggested additional measures to mitigate flood risks effectively.

    The very late submissions were sent on behalf of a group of property owners in Waterloo St, Bulli. They have concerns about flood risk management in the Collins Creek catchment area, particularly focusing on the impact on their properties. They outlined various sources of overland flow and discrepancies in the draft floodplain risk management plan. They requested reconsideration of mitigation measures and improved maintenance of drainage infrastructure.

    Information sessions
    SomeInformation session residents believe their properties are not flood-prone and there were requests to reassess modelling for certain properties. Some reported issues with mapping accuracy. People shared concerns about flood insurance premiums, stormwater infrastructure maintenance, creek erosion, and specific property issues. There was criticism of Council's responsiveness to requests and short notice for the information session, with suggestions for improvement.

    Next steps
    We will use this feedback to further refine the draft Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. These are preliminary discussions about the recommended options. They will each require further investigation, consultation and approvals before going ahead. We will continue sharing information with the community and key stakeholders and seek input as we progress.

    Since the close of the engagement period, our community experienced another significant flood event on 6 April. We recognise that many community members have been impacted by the recent flood, and our thoughts are with those affected. Council has been actively supporting the community through this difficult time and will continue to do so.

    This event has seen additional feedback from the community and new information about flood behaviours, which we are currently assessing and considering as we work towards finalising the plan. While this new feedback is not included in the engagement report, it is being taken into account in our ongoing planning and work.

    We will contact participants to advise when the final Collins Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan report is ready and scheduled for presentation at a Council meeting.

    Read the full Engagement Report.