Community input
Council’s engagement team worked collaboratively with a technical consultant to engage with residents and stakeholders on the proposed detention basin for McMahon St, Fairy Meadow. We presented a concept design and feedback was sought on values or potential community benefits and impacts to be considered in planning for this site, so that where possible, these can be protected or enhanced in the detailed design. Stakeholders were informed of the broader impacts of investigation and construction, and benefits for flood mitigation.
During the community engagement period, 4 – 31 March 2019, Council sent letters to 1,039 residents and property owners in the catchment area inviting them to learn more about the proposal and how to provide input. A Frequently Asked Questions sheet and hardcopy feedback form were included. Emails with this information were sent to key stakeholders. The information was also sent to Council’s Customer Service Centre and Wollongong Library. A site tour invitation was sent to Fairy Meadow Property Group, however no response was received.
This webpage was created which included all the information, frequently asked questions, concept feasibility report and an online feedback form. A media release was issued on 12 March 2019 and notices of the exhibition were published in the Advertiser on 6, 13 & 20 March 2019. The community were invited to provide feedback via Council’s website, Customer Service Centre, Wollongong Library and at the community information session at Mount Ousley Public School on 12 March 2019.
There was general support for the proposal. The main themes in the feedback were desire for the existing trees to be retained and for the site to have a pathway and recreational uses.
25 people attended the drop-in information session. All supported Council’s work to investigate flood mitigation options for the catchment. Feedback focused on wanting to see the trees retained, and desire for the space to have recreational uses or a play space for children. Some expressed a desire for a pathway though the site linking to places such as the nearby primary school, and clearing of weeds. It was suggested that child safety be prioritised, with provision for adequate covers for all pipes, drains and outlets and fencing.
Stakeholder meetings were held with four property owners adjacent to the proposed basin site. All were supportive of the proposal in its current form.

Photo: community members attending the drop-in information session at Mount Ousley Public School
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