Mt Keira Kiosk and Shelter

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation has now closed. Thank you for your submissions.

During development of the draft Vision for the Mt Keira Summit Park the need for a food and beverage offering on the site was identified as a high priority.

Council has been working towards the installation of a shelter and container kiosk to provide an interim food and beverage offering on the site. A design for the shelter has been drafted and we would like your feedback on the design. Feedback on the interim kiosk and shelter closed on Tuesday 31 May 2016.

Please read Council's Privacy Notification(External link) before making a submission.

Consultation has now closed. Thank you for your submissions.

During development of the draft Vision for the Mt Keira Summit Park the need for a food and beverage offering on the site was identified as a high priority.

Council has been working towards the installation of a shelter and container kiosk to provide an interim food and beverage offering on the site. A design for the shelter has been drafted and we would like your feedback on the design. Feedback on the interim kiosk and shelter closed on Tuesday 31 May 2016.

Please read Council's Privacy Notification(External link) before making a submission.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Council is planning to install an interim container kiosk and shelter at Mt Keira.  Please use this form to provide feedback on the design.

    Consultation has concluded
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