What upgrade works will be undertaken?

    The proposed works include replacement of the existing footpath linking Wilson Street and Cliff Road, a new footpath along a worn path through the park, edging around existing shell art work, additional paving around existing shelters and installation of two new entry and exit points to the park on Wilson Street and Cliff Road at the southern end of the park. The design will also include four additional parking spaces along Cliff Road at the southern end of the park. 

    The footpath along Cliff Road is part of the Blue Mile and the works in Osborne Park will match the existing paving and finishes. 

    When will the works commence and how long will it take?

    The works are expected to commence in August 2018, and are anticipated to be complete by spring 2018, dependant on weather.

    Will Cliff Road be closed during works?

    No road closures are anticipated during construction. Traffic management may be required at times along Cliff Road. 

    Will the paths be closed during works?

    Yes. At times during works, pedestrians will be directed to use alternative routes through the park and on Cliff Road. 

    What will happen to the artwork in the park?

    A small section of pathway at the Cliff Road frontage has been damaged and will be replaced. No other changes to the artwork are proposed. 

    Will I be able to catch the bus from the park during construction?

    Access to the bus stop at Osborne Park will not be affected during works. Regular bus services will be maintained.

    Where will the construction site shed be located?

    The site shed is proposed to be located within the park near the Wilson Street entry to the park. 

    What will happen to the telephone box at Osborne Park?

    The Telstra telephone box will remain in place during works. The existing location will remain unchanged. 

    How has the heritage significance of the site been considered?

    Osborne Park is within the State Heritage Register listed Wollongong Harbour Precinct and protected by the provisions of s60 of the NSW Heritage Act 1974. The proposed works have received Office of Environment and Heritage approval and will enhance the park and visitor experience by upgrading facilities.

    How can I have my say?

    Visit www.haveyoursaywollongong.com.au(External link)

    Email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au

    Post Community Engagement, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC 2500

    For more information please phone 4227 7111.