Community Strategic Plan FAQs
- What do you love about the Wollongong area?
- Imagine the Wollongong area 10 years from now, what would you like to see?
- What needs to change in the Wollongong area?
- What are the challenges facing the Wollongong area over the next 5-10 years?
- Complete the feedback form
- Email
- Phone us on (02) 4227 7111
- Write to The Engagement Team, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong NSW 2500
What is the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?
A Community Strategic Plan is a 10 year plan that identifies the community’s vision for the future. It outlines the community’s priorities and aspirations, and how these can be achieved.
All levels of government, business, educational institutions, community groups and individuals have an important role to play in the CSP. It’s a plan for our whole community.
How does the Community Strategic Plan guide what Council delivers?
What we do and how we do it is guided by the vision, goals and objectives set out in the Community Strategic Plan. When we develop our plans, like the Delivery Program, Operational Plan, and Budget, we use the Community Strategic Plan to make sure our services, programs and work meets community needs and expectations.
You can learn more about the Infrastructure Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget here.
Why is the Community Strategic Plan being reviewed?
The Community Strategic Plan needs to reflect vision and goals of our community and a lot has happened a lot has happened over the last four years. A review allows us to check in and see if the plan is still on track or if needs an update.
What is the process for reviewing the Community Strategic Plan?
We’ve heard from the community to find out what’s important to them and what they want the future of Wollongong to look like. These conversations have occurred over the last several months.
1. Awareness building - 12 July - 23 August
We shared information to help build understanding about what a Community Strategic Plan is and why it is important. We also let people know about how they can get involved.
People were invited to submit photos, creative writing or art that responded to the statement ‘I love Wollongong because…’.
2. Listening to our community 6 September-18 October 2021
We wanted to find out your ideas for the future of Wollongong. We asked four questions:
We provided different ways for people to share ideas and join the conversation and used what you told us to draft the Community Strategic Plan
3. Checking in - May 2022
We’ve developed a draft Community Strategic Plan. We’re sharing it with the community to check that it aligns with what you told us.
The updated draft Community Strategic Plan will go to Council to be adopted in June 2022.
How can i get involved?
We've used what we've already heard from the community to develop the draft Community Strategic Plan and now we're checking back in with the community to see whether we've got it right.
You can share your feedback with us in the following ways
You can also share this information with your friends and family by sending them this link - we would love to hear from as many people as we can!
How will my feedback be used?
All feedback we receive will be reviewed and considered. Once finalised, the draft Community Strategic Plan will be presented to Council for adoption in June 2022.