Pesticides Notification Plan - Council Policy
Consultation has concluded
In maintaining public places, Council has an obligation to ensure that pesticides and herbicides are applied in a safe, responsible manner, without harm to the community or the environment and to ensure that the community is notified when and where pesticides are to be applied.
The notification of the use of pesticides is covered by the Pesticides Notification Plan – Council Policy. The policy was adopted in 2016 and we have revised and updated it and seek your feedback.
What are the key changes
We carried out an operational review into glyphosate use and considered the Illawarra District Weed Authority’s review into the Illawarra aerial weed spraying program. The key changes to the Policy are:
• No glyphosate use, in and around playgrounds.
• A trial of drone technology for aerial spraying by the Illawarra District Weeds Authority.
For more information
Read the draft policy and Council report in the document library
How to share your thoughts
- Complete the feedback form
- Email link)
- Phone us on (02) 4227 7111
- Write to Engagement Team, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
Please read Council's Privacy Policy (External link)before making your submission.
If you're deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). If you need an interpreter you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You'll need to provide our phone number (02) 4227 7111 for either service.
Let us know your thoughts by Friday 3 September 2021.
Draft Illawarra District Weeds Authority Pesticide Notification
The Illawarra District Weeds Authority Draft Pesticides Notification Plan (2021-26) is also open for public comment. The Draft Pesticides Notification Plan provides details for notifying the community when the IDWA uses pesticides in public places that are owned or controlled by Kiama, Shellharbour City and Wollongong City Councils. Feedback is invited until 7 September, go here(External link) for more information.