Planning for 46 Crown Reserves - Proposed Community Land Categories
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Consultation has concluded
Changes in Crown land management legislation now require Council to apply Local Government Act 1993 community land categories to 46 Crown reserves. Community land categories are applied to land by the making of a plan of management. The community land categories that can be applied to Crown reserves are:
General Community Use
Natural Area (with subcategories of watercourse, bushland, wetland, foreshore or escarpment)
Area of Cultural Significance
Each community land category has core objectives under the Act that guide the land use, management and leasing or licensing of that land with that category. Council has proposed a community land category or a mix of community land categories for each of the 46 Crown Reserves and would like your feedback.
This is the first stage in the development of future draft Plans of Management over these 46 reserves in a 3-staged process, shown on the right. You may just want to be kept informed of the next stages or you may want to provide Council with insights gained from your use of any of these 46 Crown reserves.
Each of the 46 Crown reserves is listed by suburb. By clicking on a reserve name you will find the following for that reserve:
An aerial map with reserve boundaries (boundaries are set by the Minister, not Council)
The location of the reserve to nearest street or address
The proposed community land mix (Council is seeking feedback on this during stage 1)
The Crown Reserve Purpose (reserve purpose is set by the Minister)
Initial Category under the Crown Land Management Act (Initial Category set by the Minister)
Key considerations for the reserve
You can view the above information for each of the Crown reserves we're beginning to plan for and provide feedback by clicking on the name of the reserve that you're interested in:
Please contact us if you need help to understand this information or provide feedback.
Changes in Crown land management legislation now require Council to apply Local Government Act 1993 community land categories to 46 Crown reserves. Community land categories are applied to land by the making of a plan of management. The community land categories that can be applied to Crown reserves are:
General Community Use
Natural Area (with subcategories of watercourse, bushland, wetland, foreshore or escarpment)
Area of Cultural Significance
Each community land category has core objectives under the Act that guide the land use, management and leasing or licensing of that land with that category. Council has proposed a community land category or a mix of community land categories for each of the 46 Crown Reserves and would like your feedback.
This is the first stage in the development of future draft Plans of Management over these 46 reserves in a 3-staged process, shown on the right. You may just want to be kept informed of the next stages or you may want to provide Council with insights gained from your use of any of these 46 Crown reserves.
Each of the 46 Crown reserves is listed by suburb. By clicking on a reserve name you will find the following for that reserve:
An aerial map with reserve boundaries (boundaries are set by the Minister, not Council)
The location of the reserve to nearest street or address
The proposed community land mix (Council is seeking feedback on this during stage 1)
The Crown Reserve Purpose (reserve purpose is set by the Minister)
Initial Category under the Crown Land Management Act (Initial Category set by the Minister)
Key considerations for the reserve
You can view the above information for each of the Crown reserves we're beginning to plan for and provide feedback by clicking on the name of the reserve that you're interested in:
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Register for updates on draft PoMs for Crown reserves
Staged Process for Developing Plans of Management for Crown Reserves
Stage 1: Preliminary Community Consultation
Planning for 46 Crown Reserves - Proposed Community Land Categories has finished this stage
October - November 2019. Information is prepared for each reserve and considered by the community to inform a future draft plan of management. The information proposes one or more community land categories for the Crown reserve.
Reserve information is available on this website
Aboriginal community consultation
Other stakeholder consultation: license or lease holders, park users, Neighbourhood Forums
Stage 2: Prepare draft Plans of Management
Planning for 46 Crown Reserves - Proposed Community Land Categories is currently at this stage
November 2019 - June 2021. Prepare draft Plans of Management that Council resolves to exhibit for public comment, subject to Ministerial approval.
Stage 3: Exhibit each draft Plan of Management
this is an upcoming stage for Planning for 46 Crown Reserves - Proposed Community Land Categories
November 2019 - June 2021. Exhibit each draft Plan of Management that has Ministerial approval to be exhibited and report the community's feedback to Council so that a decision can be made.