- Post-Development Flood Study
- Bushfire Hazard Assessment Study
- Aboriginal Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Assessment
- Traffic Study
- Biodiversity Study
Why do we need a Planning Proposal?
In May 2008, Council engaged the Growth Centres Commission to review the draft zonings and planning controls for the West Dapto Urban Release Area. The Growth Centres Commission recommended that the planning for Stage 5, Yallah - Marshall Mount could be deferred.
Council saw this as an ideal opportunity to take a fresh approach to the planning and commenced the development of a draft Planning Proposal that was inclusive of community perspectives.
How was the draft Planning Proposal developed?
Council held an ‘Enquiry by Design Workshop’ over two days in 2011. The workshop resulted in a first draft of the planning proposal. The draft showed future land uses, main transport links and conservation areas. This draft has been further refined, taking into account the following information:
How can I comment on the plan?
The draft Planning Proposal is on exhibition between 17 March and 2 May. Feedback is encouraged and will need to be received by 2 May 2014.
The easiest way to provide feedback is to use the feedback form available on this website, or from Council libraries, leisure centres and tourist parks. For further questions, please call 4227 7060 or email engagement@wollongong.nsw.gov.au(External link).
What happens next?
Council will review feedback received from the community and the subsequent Planning Proposal will be submitted to the NSW State government for a Local
Environmental Plan to be made.
The finalisation of the Planning Proposal will establish a long-term vision for the development of the Yallah – Marshall Mount precinct.