Planning Proposal – Irvine Street, Gwynneville Precinct

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To assist Council in its determination of a Planning Proposal request for the Gwynneville precinct, which is bounded by Irvine Street, Madoline Street, Wollongong Botanic Garden and Murphy Avenue (see map); we are now seeking community input.

The Planning Proposal lodged by Homes NSW seeks to amend the planning controls that apply to the Irvine Street, Gwynneville precinct, to enable up to 1,250 homes, of which 625 (50%) will be social and affordable dwellings.

Homes NSW(External link) is a division within the Department of Communities and Justice responsible for delivering, managing and maintaining social housing across New South Wales. As part of its work to address the housing crisis and deliver more new social and affordable homes in the Illawarra, Homes NSW has identified the Gwynneville precinct for housing renewal and increased density. Homes NSW is seeking to renew its housing stock to better serve the needs of its tenants and to increase the number of social, affordable and diverse (private market, seniors, student accommodation and key-worker) dwellings within the precinct.


Of the 131 lots within the Gwynneville precinct, Homes NSW owns 75 lots containing 79 dwellings and the 56 remaining lots are privately owned. The Planning Proposal applies to all lots within the precinct.

In July 2024, we sought initial community feedback on the Planning Proposal request lodged by Homes NSW. In response, Homes NSW submitted a revised proposal which was considered by Council on 25 November 2024 with the community comments. At this meeting, Council resolved to support the preparation of a Planning Proposal to amend the planning controls for the precinct, based on the revised proposal and a requirement for some additional supporting information.

On 12 January 2025, the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure issued a Gateway determination which required the completion of some additional reports, prior to exhibition to the community.

Homes NSW have now submitted an updated package of information to support the Planning Proposal.

What is proposed?

Based on the initial community feedback, the Planning Proposal request has changed. The revision proposes:

  • Rezoning most of the precinct from R2 Low Density Residential to R4 High Density Residential (excluding some lots fronting Murphys Avenue and lots in Spearing Avenue proposed to be zoned RE1 Public Recreation). The existing 0.5:1 floor space ratio (FSR) and 9m Building Height standard will be retained as base controls.
  • Rezoning nine (9) lots in Spearing Avenue from R2 Low Density Residential to RE1 Public Recreation – increasing the amount of zoned open space from 0.83ha to 1.39ha. Two lots in Spearing Parade are identified for acquisition by Homes NSW. The timing of any acquisition is up the current owners and will be negotiated with Homes NSW.
  • Dividing the precinct into twenty-seven (27) key development sites [previously seventeen (17) sites], where a bonus provision to encourage consolidation will increase the permissible height to between 13-22m (3-6 storeys), and FSR to between 1:1 to 2.4:1.
  • Appendix A shows that the twenty-seven (27) precincts now consider land ownership, and are nominally referred to as:
    • Primary Opportunity sites – six (6) sites where all the lots are owned by Homes NSW.
    • Secondary Opportunity sites – six (6) sites where the majority of lots are owned by Homes NSW and some lots are privately owned.
    • Private Opportunity sites – fifteen (15) sites where the majority of lots are privately owned and some lots maybe owned by Homes NSW.

Homes NSW estimates that the changes to the planning controls would enable the construction of 1,250 dwellings, with 50% (625 dwellings) being proposed as social and affordable homes and 50% market housing. The majority of the social and affordable housing is proposed to be located in the primary and secondary opportunity sites.

Work in preparation:

  • Homes NSW is preparing a revised draft Development Control Plan (DCP) chapter to guide future development. Later this year, the draft DCP chapter will be reported to Council and exhibited to the community.
  • Homes NSW is preparing a letter of offer, which is the first step for a Planning Agreement. The draft Planning Agreement is still to be negotiated and reported to Council. Based on the 25 November 2024 Council report, it may indicate that Homes NSW: will be responsible for the required infrastructure upgrades, will provide the 50% social and affordable housing, not be required to pay development contributions, and may be reimbursed from other developments. Later this year, the draft Planning Agreement will be reported to Council and exhibited to the community.
  • We have prepared a draft Affordable Housing Development Contributions Plan that will require the Private Opportunity sites to contribute 10% Affordable Housing. Later this year, the draft Contributions Plan will be reported to Council and exhibited to the community.

If the planning controls are changed, further consultation with community will occur through the Development Application process(External link) for individual development applications.

To find out more:

Homes NSW and Council recognise that through renewal comes change and that this impacts people and existing communities. Any questions concerning the effect on individual tenancies should be referred to Homes NSW at: link)

Share your thoughts by:

Please provide your feedback by Monday 28 April 2025. For written and emailed submissions, please quote: 'PP-2024/3'. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy(External link) before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility and language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

To assist Council in its determination of a Planning Proposal request for the Gwynneville precinct, which is bounded by Irvine Street, Madoline Street, Wollongong Botanic Garden and Murphy Avenue (see map); we are now seeking community input.

The Planning Proposal lodged by Homes NSW seeks to amend the planning controls that apply to the Irvine Street, Gwynneville precinct, to enable up to 1,250 homes, of which 625 (50%) will be social and affordable dwellings.

Homes NSW(External link) is a division within the Department of Communities and Justice responsible for delivering, managing and maintaining social housing across New South Wales. As part of its work to address the housing crisis and deliver more new social and affordable homes in the Illawarra, Homes NSW has identified the Gwynneville precinct for housing renewal and increased density. Homes NSW is seeking to renew its housing stock to better serve the needs of its tenants and to increase the number of social, affordable and diverse (private market, seniors, student accommodation and key-worker) dwellings within the precinct.


Of the 131 lots within the Gwynneville precinct, Homes NSW owns 75 lots containing 79 dwellings and the 56 remaining lots are privately owned. The Planning Proposal applies to all lots within the precinct.

In July 2024, we sought initial community feedback on the Planning Proposal request lodged by Homes NSW. In response, Homes NSW submitted a revised proposal which was considered by Council on 25 November 2024 with the community comments. At this meeting, Council resolved to support the preparation of a Planning Proposal to amend the planning controls for the precinct, based on the revised proposal and a requirement for some additional supporting information.

On 12 January 2025, the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure issued a Gateway determination which required the completion of some additional reports, prior to exhibition to the community.

Homes NSW have now submitted an updated package of information to support the Planning Proposal.

What is proposed?

Based on the initial community feedback, the Planning Proposal request has changed. The revision proposes:

  • Rezoning most of the precinct from R2 Low Density Residential to R4 High Density Residential (excluding some lots fronting Murphys Avenue and lots in Spearing Avenue proposed to be zoned RE1 Public Recreation). The existing 0.5:1 floor space ratio (FSR) and 9m Building Height standard will be retained as base controls.
  • Rezoning nine (9) lots in Spearing Avenue from R2 Low Density Residential to RE1 Public Recreation – increasing the amount of zoned open space from 0.83ha to 1.39ha. Two lots in Spearing Parade are identified for acquisition by Homes NSW. The timing of any acquisition is up the current owners and will be negotiated with Homes NSW.
  • Dividing the precinct into twenty-seven (27) key development sites [previously seventeen (17) sites], where a bonus provision to encourage consolidation will increase the permissible height to between 13-22m (3-6 storeys), and FSR to between 1:1 to 2.4:1.
  • Appendix A shows that the twenty-seven (27) precincts now consider land ownership, and are nominally referred to as:
    • Primary Opportunity sites – six (6) sites where all the lots are owned by Homes NSW.
    • Secondary Opportunity sites – six (6) sites where the majority of lots are owned by Homes NSW and some lots are privately owned.
    • Private Opportunity sites – fifteen (15) sites where the majority of lots are privately owned and some lots maybe owned by Homes NSW.

Homes NSW estimates that the changes to the planning controls would enable the construction of 1,250 dwellings, with 50% (625 dwellings) being proposed as social and affordable homes and 50% market housing. The majority of the social and affordable housing is proposed to be located in the primary and secondary opportunity sites.

Work in preparation:

  • Homes NSW is preparing a revised draft Development Control Plan (DCP) chapter to guide future development. Later this year, the draft DCP chapter will be reported to Council and exhibited to the community.
  • Homes NSW is preparing a letter of offer, which is the first step for a Planning Agreement. The draft Planning Agreement is still to be negotiated and reported to Council. Based on the 25 November 2024 Council report, it may indicate that Homes NSW: will be responsible for the required infrastructure upgrades, will provide the 50% social and affordable housing, not be required to pay development contributions, and may be reimbursed from other developments. Later this year, the draft Planning Agreement will be reported to Council and exhibited to the community.
  • We have prepared a draft Affordable Housing Development Contributions Plan that will require the Private Opportunity sites to contribute 10% Affordable Housing. Later this year, the draft Contributions Plan will be reported to Council and exhibited to the community.

If the planning controls are changed, further consultation with community will occur through the Development Application process(External link) for individual development applications.

To find out more:

Homes NSW and Council recognise that through renewal comes change and that this impacts people and existing communities. Any questions concerning the effect on individual tenancies should be referred to Homes NSW at: link)

Share your thoughts by:

Please provide your feedback by Monday 28 April 2025. For written and emailed submissions, please quote: 'PP-2024/3'. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy(External link) before submitting your feedback.

Accessibility and language assistance

If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.

Page last updated: 20 Mar 2025, 02:26 AM