Planning Proposal - Preliminary Notification - 190 Military Road, Port Kembla

Council has received a planning proposal request (PP-2025/1) seeking to amend planning controls to enable 190 Military Road, Port Kembla to be used as a café/ restaurant. The premise is currently operating as a café trading under the name ‘Cakes by Rach’.
The site has been used for some form of commercial operations since 1965, however, despite the site’s history, the current cafe use is not permissible. Having been advised in September 2022, that operating as a café was not a permissible use of the site under existing planning controls, the proprietor sought development consent to operate a food and drink premises which was refused in October 2024.
The Planning Proposal Request seeks to amend existing planning controls to permit the operation of a café/ restaurant at the site. We are seeking community input to inform our initial assessment of this proposal. If Council resolves to proceed with the request and it is supported by the State government, a further formal public exhibition will take place before any final decision is made.
What is proposed?
The Planning Proposal request seeks to retain the existing R2 Low Density Residential zone and permit the additional use of 'Restaurant or Café' on the site.
To find out more:
- Review the Documents Library
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- For enquiries, please contact the Land Use Planning Team on 02 4227 7111
Share your thoughts by:
- Completing the online form
- Emailing link) (External link) (External link)
- Writing to The General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
Please provide your feedback by Monday 31 March 2025. For written and emailed submissions, please quote: 'PP-2025/1'. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy(External link) before submitting your feedback.
Accessibility and language assistance
If you’re d/Deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech or language difficulty, you can contact us through the National Relay Service(External link). If you need an interpreter, you can contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service(External link) on 131 450. You’ll need to provide our phone number 02 4227 7111 for either service.