What is a Development Control Plan (DCP)?

    A DCP is a policy prepared by Council’s to provide detailed guidelines for the design and assessment of proposed developments within a Local Government Area. The Wollongong DCP 2009(External link) specifies the objectives and development controls (e.g., setbacks, private open space, landscaping etc) to guide development that is permissible under the Wollongong Local Environmental Plan 2009.(External link)

    Why does Council update Development Control Plan (DCP) Chapters?

    The DCP chapters are reviewed and updated as required, usually to implement the actions of an adopted strategy, to reflect changing legislation, maintain currency or improve the development assessment process.

    What happens after the public exhibition period?

    Council will consider all feedback and submissions received and Chapter A1 may be varied as necessary. A report will be prepared for Council detailing the feedback received and providing recommendations on final Chapter A1 amendments. Council will consider this report and provide a resolution on how to proceed. People who have provided feedback will be notified of the date of the Council meeting and how to view the relevant documents.

    When will the Development Control Plan (DCP) chapter be finalised?

    If adopted by Council after the exhibition, the final DCP Chapter will be uploaded to Council’s website and the previous version removed.