Reviewing the Public Access Forum and Code of Meeting Practice Policies
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Consultation has concluded
POLICY REVIEW: Public Access Forum
Council at its meeting of 30 March 2015 recommended the following additions to page 2 of the current policy under the paragraph commencing ‘The following should also be noted’:
Applicants to address Council or a Committee of Council must meet one of the following eligibility criteria:
- a resident or owner of land within the City of Wollongong Local Government Area;
- a person or entity entitled to vote in the City of Wollongong under the Local Government Act, or where that voter is not a natural person, the nominee of the entity with its written authority;
- the nominee of an entity owning land, conducting a business or providing a service in the Wollongong Local Government Area;
- a duly appointed person including the legal, financial or town planning representative of any person or entity listed above with a matter before council (written authority must be provided);
- any person, or nominee of an organisation, invited to speak by resolution of Council or by approval of the Lord Mayor;
- any representative of a State or Federal Government Agency with a matter before Council.
The policy now also includes a note to help guide speakers, stating that most people talk at about 125 to 150 words per minute.
POLICY REVIEW: Code of Meeting Practice
Also at it's meeting on 30 March, Council recommended the Code of Meeting Practice be amended to remove the duplication of information already contained in the Public Access Forum Policy.
Both of these draft amended policies are available to download from the Document Library on the right.
Written submissions on the above proposed Public Access Forum Policy and Code of Meeting Practice amendments are invited and will be accepted up to 27 May 2015.
Any person can make a submission in one of the following ways:
- Writing to the General Manager:
The General Manager
Wollongong City Council
Locked Bag 8821
WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500 - Emailing:
- Completing the online feedback form below
For more information on making a submission in relation to the above proposed changes, please call Council’s Governance Officer on (02) 4227 7749.
Please read Council’s Privacy Notification before making a submission.