Revised Swimming Pool Safety Barrier Council Policy and Inspection Program Procedure
Consultation has concluded
Significant amendments (changes) to the Swimming Pools Act 1992 occurred in late 2012. Council adopted a Policy in response to those changes in 2014. An amendment to the Policy was endorsed by Council in April 2018 to incorporate further legislative changes that related largely to the sale and lease of properties with swimming pools.
The policy is now due for review, which has been informed by recommendations from a recent audit of Council’s Swimming Pool Safety Barrier Program. In addition to the policy review, the audit recommended:
- The preparation and inclusion of an inspection procedure; and
- Publishing the policy and procedure on Council’s website.
Proposed changes
The Swimming Pool Safety Barrier Policy and the related Swimming Pool Safety Barrier Inspection Program Procedure have been amended with more information about the recent legislative changes. This will adjust how Council investigates or deals with swimming pool barriers across the Local Government Area.
In summary, the changes provide for the following:
- More information about the requirement for a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate to be included in every Contract of Sale, Lease or Rent of a property with a swimming pool;
- The ability for the sale of a property with a non-complying barrier on the basis that a Certificate of Non-Compliance is issued;
- Definitions of “Significant” and “Non-Significant Public Risk”;
- Updates to website addresses and some minor wording changes; and
- Formulation of a risk-based inspection program.
The community is now provided with an opportunity to provide input through the public exhibition of the policy and procedure for 14 days prior to Council reconsidering the document for adoption, and the placement of the adopted documents on Council’s website.
To find out more:
- Read the Draft Swimming Pool Safety Barrier Council Policy
- Read the Draft Swimming Pool Safety Barrier Inspection Program Procedure
Share your thoughts by:
- Completing the online form
- Emailing
- Writing to the General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821 WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500
- Phoning 4227 7111
Please provide your feedback by 3 November 2022. Any submissions become public documents and may be viewed by other persons on request. Please read Council's Privacy Policy before submitting your feedback.
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